Business Software Solutions Inc.

X:\logos\New Logos\touch_pos_logo.png

                Touch POS

Operations Manual

Copyright 1988-2012

TX 452-334

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be used or reproduced in any form without the written permission of BSS except in the case of brief quotations. Additional manuals may be purchased for $19.95 + shipping & handling. This book is sold as is, without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied, respecting the contents of this book, including but not limited to implied warranties for the book's quality, performance, merchantability, or fitness. Neither Business Software Solutions Inc. nor its dealers or distributors will be liable to the purchaser or any other person or entity with respect to any liability, loss, or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this book. Business Software Solutions reserves the right to revise this publication and to make changes in the contents hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revisions or changes.

Business Software Solutions, Inc.
334 North Marshall Way Suite H
Layton, Utah 84041
801-336-3303 Fax 801-336-3313


IBM PC, IBM PC-AT, IBM PC-XT, and PC-DOS are trademarks of International Business Corporation. The software that accompanies this document was compiled by using software which is copyrighted by Microsoft FoxPro Inc. All product names mentioned in this manual and not listed above are the registered trademarks of their respective companies.

General Information

Customer Support:

Any support package purchased by the end user from BSS for ‘BPA Professional’ is for the software only. All network and hardware support will be billed at BSS’s standard support rates. Technical phone support is charged by the minute with a minimum and a maximum incident charge. Telephone support is $3.00 per minute, minimum $30.00 per incident.

License Agreement

I. Definitions

A.        "BSS" shall mean Business Software Solutions Inc., Layton, Utah 84041

B.        "CUSTOMER" shall mean the original company or individual who purchased this software.

C.        "COMPUTER" shall mean the single computer on which this program is used.

D.        "LICENSE" shall mean this agreement and the rights and obligations created hereunder by the United States Copyright Law and Utah Law.

E.        "PROGRAM" shall mean the software supplied in this package.

II. Transfer and Reproduction

THE CUSTOMER agrees to take all reasonable steps and to exercise due diligence to protect all documentation provided in this package by BSS from unauthorized reproduction, publication or distribution. The customer is given the right to transfer a copy of the PROGRAM diskettes to a third party for evaluation only. Evaluation shall be defined as use of the PROGRAM for a period not to exceed 10 days. If such a transfer is made, the CUSTOMER agrees to insure BSS that after the evaluation period the transferred BSS PROGRAM diskettes will be either purchased or destroyed.

III. License

BSS grants to the CUSTOMER the right to use this copy of the PROGRAM on a single computer or single network at a single location as long as the CUSTOMER complies with the terms of this LICENSE. This LICENSE allows the CUSTOMER to install the PROGRAM on a single computer regardless of where the computer was purchased. This LICENSE allows the CUSTOMER to use the program on additional computers in a single network under the following conditions:

A.        The CUSTOMER can install the PROGRAM with no additional licensing fees on additional networked computer stations if those stations were purchased from BSS. “Computer station” refers to the computer and relevant peripherals for use with the PROGRAM (e.g. Touch Screen Monitors, Receipt Printers, Magnetic Card Readers, Barcode Scanners, etc.)

B.        BSS requires the CUSTOMER to pay a terminal fee for each networked computer station which the CUSTOMER does not purchase from BSS and adds to the network for the purpose of running the PROGRAM.

When the PROGRAM is included with a system purchased from BSS, the CUSTOMER is required to pay the terminal fee for any additional computers the PROGRAM is installed on which are not purchased from BSS.

Transfer of this LICENSE is subject to a license transfer fee. BSS reserves the right to terminate this LICENSE if the CUSTOMER violates any provisions thereof and, in the event of such termination, the CUSTOMER agrees to return the PROGRAM and all documentation to BSS. The PROGRAM is the sole ownership of BSS. In the event the CUSTOMER uses the PROGRAM simultaneously on more than one computer or one network, the CUSTOMER agrees to request from BSS and to pay for licenses for additional user copies. A sealed copy of the PROGRAM is supplied with the documentation. By the act of opening the package within which the PROGRAM diskette(s) is (are) sealed, or installing the PROGRAM on a computer, the CUSTOMER subscribes to and agrees to the terms of this licensing agreement.

The CUSTOMER shall be required to pay all support fees arising from per incident support or monthly support and licensing in a timely manner to maintain their right to use the SOFTWARE. Periodically the SOFTWARE may require a licensing key to be entered which must be acquired from BSS. The CUSTOMER will not be granted a licensing key unless they are current on licensing and support fees.

IV. Limited Warranty

The PROGRAM is sold "AS IS" without a warranty as to performance, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose. BSS warrants the storage media on which the PROGRAM is supplied to the CUSTOMER to be free from defects in materials and faulty workmanship under normal use for a period of ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. In addition, BSS warrants the software to be free of significant errors that make it unusable for ninety (90) days from the date of purchase. In the event such errors are found, BSS will attempt to correct them, or to help the CUSTOMER avoid them, with efforts BSS believes are suitable to the problem or, at BSS's option, authorize a refund of the license fee.

The CUSTOMER's sole and exclusive remedy in the event of a defect is expressly limited to the above provisions. BSS makes no other warranty, express or implied, to the CUSTOMER or any other entity or person. The CUSTOMER agrees that BSS will not be liable for loss of time, loss of data, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of the software, or any other losses whatsoever. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations might not apply to you. This warranty gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. The CUSTOMER and BSS agree that the PROGRAM is not intended as "Consumer Goods" under state or federal laws.

V. Miscellaneous

BSS maintains a policy of ongoing updates and product improvement. Provided the CUSTOMER has supplied accurate contact information, BSS shall provide the CUSTOMER with either copies of updated material or notification of availability and price schedules where appropriate. The PROGRAM specifications and features are subject to change without notice.

This agreement shall represent the only agreement between the CUSTOMER and BSS and it may not be modified by the representations of anyone unless a written amendment has been signed by a corporate officer of Business Software Solutions Inc.

Any use, duplication or disclosure by the U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in the package shall be subject to the restricted rights under DEARS 52.227-7013 applicable to commercial computer software.

Table of Contents

1        Introduction        3

1.1        Scope of Document        3

1.2        Hardware Requirements        3

1.3        Install Windows Software        4

1.4        Network Setup        4

2        Getting Started        7

2.1        Initial System Startup        7

2.2        Defining Employees        7

2.3        Creating Your Sales Menu        8

2.3.1        Adding Product Information to Your System        8

2.3.2        Changing Menu Tab Names        9

2.3.3        Adding Buttons To Your Sales Menu        11

2.4        Adding Sales Tax        12

2.5        Clocking In and Out of the Time Clock        12

2.6        How to Create an Order        13

2.7        How to Close a Sale        14

3        Manager Functions        19

3.1        Define Menu Items        19

3.2        Define Products        21

3.3        Assign Menu Names        27

3.4        Misc Definitions        28

3.4.1        Touch Point of Sale        28

3.4.2        Receipt Printing Options        30

3.4.3        Point of Sale Devices        30

3.4.4        Manager Options        31

3.4.5        Password Options        32

3.4.6        Customer Sales        33

3.4.7        Business System Options        35

3.5        Define Employees        38

3.6        Schedule Employees        42

3.7        Approve Cashier Clock Out        42

3.8        Assign Employee Card Numbers        42

3.9        Reopen Closed POS Sale        42

3.10        Record Shrinkage and Waste        42

3.11        Product Manufacturing        43

3.12        Remove Closed Sale        43

3.13        POS Reports        44

3.13.1        Summary Sales Report        44

3.13.2        Product Cost Report        44

3.13.3        Pre-Post Sales Report        44

3.13.4        Sales By Product Type And Hour        45

3.13.5        Daily Sales And Labor Report        45

3.13.6        Security Event Reports        45

3.13.7        Cost Margin Report        46

3.13.8        Sales Margin Report        46

3.13.9        Monthly Sales Report        46

3.13.10        Yearly Sales Report        46

3.13.11        Product Activity Report        46

3.13.12        Product Information Report        46

3.13.13        Product Aging Report        46

3.13.14        Average Stock Usage Report        46

3.13.15        Profit Ranking Report        46

3.13.16        Food Waste Report        47

3.13.17        Active Cash Drawer Report        47

3.13.18        Cash Drawer Close Report        47

3.13.19        Active Gift Card Report        47

3.13.20        Redeemed Gift Card Report        47

3.13.21        Reprint Posting Report        47

3.13.22        Product Sales Work Sheet        47

3.13.23        Summary Sales Report by Product Type        48

3.13.24        Cash Drawer Payout Report        48

3.13.25        Summary Sales By Cash Drawer Report        48

3.13.26        Sales By Payment Type        48

3.13.27        Loyalty Credit Report        48

3.14        POS Inventory        48

3.14.1        Print Inventory Cycle Count Report        49

3.14.2        Enter Cycle Count Adjustments        49

3.14.3        Print Inventory Discrepancy Report        49

3.14.4        Post Inventory Cycle Count Changes        49

3.14.5        Print Perpetual Vs Periodic Inventory Discrepancies Report        50

3.14.6        Manual Inventory Adjustment        50

3.14.7        View Manual Changes To Inventory        50

3.14.8        Print Daily Inventory Snap Shot Report        50

3.15        Customer Loyalty        50

3.16        Manual Entry Of Daily Sales        51

4        Touch POS Sales        55

4.1        Entering Touch POS Sales        55

4.2        Green Keypad        55

4.3        Check Button        56

4.4        In Store Credit Button        56

4.5        Card Button        56

4.6        Debit Card Button        56

4.7        Check # Button        56

4.8        Gift Card Button        56

4.9        EBT Payment Button        57

4.10        Cash Button        57

4.11        Pick Button        57

4.12        Change Price Button        57

4.13        Change Qty Button        57

4.14        Return Order Button        57

4.15        Miscellaneous Taxable and Non-taxable Items        57

4.16        Petty Cash Payout        58

4.17        Weight Scale Label        58

4.18        Page Up and Page Down        58

4.19        Misc POS        58

4.19.1        Edit Item        58

4.19.2        Check Gift Card        58

4.19.3        Select Alternate Currency        58

4.20        Discount Button        58

4.21        Quick Cash Out Buttons        59

4.22        Enter a Specific Customer        59

4.23        Put On Account        60

4.24        Retrieve Order        60

4.25        Hold Order        60

4.26        Print Receipt Button        60

4.27        Receipt Reprint        60

4.28        Void Item / Void Sale Button        60

4.29        Open Drawer Button        60

4.30        Cashier Out Button        60

4.31        Cashier In Button        61

4.32        Customer Loyalty        61

4.33        View Schedule        62

4.34        Display Pole Total        62

5        Touch POS Menu        65

5.1        Cashier Clock In / Clock Out        65

5.2        Daily Sales Report        65

5.3        End of Day Processing        66

5.3.1        View Pre-Post Cash Out Data        66

5.3.2        Post Touch POS Sales        66

5.3.3        Close POS Cash Drawer        66

5.4        View Closed POS Header Data        66

5.5        View Closed POS Items Data        66

6        Scheduling System        71

6.1        Overview        71

6.2        How To Access the Schedule        71

6.3        Set up the Scheduling System        72

6.3.1        Scheduling Options        72

6.3.2        Define Employee Scheduling Types        73

6.3.3        Define Other Scheduling Types        74

6.4        Working With the Schedule        74

6.5        Creating or Editing Appointments        74

6.6        Schedule Appointment Screen        75

6.6.1        Customer Information        75

6.6.2        Products        75

6.6.3        Adding Resources to an Appointment        75

6.6.4        Appointment Actions        75

6.7        Print Schedule        76

7        FAQ        79

7.1        How Do I Change The Color Of My Menu Buttons and Group Items By Color?        79

7.2        How Do I Set Up Coupons or Dollar Discounts?        79

7.2.1        Predefined Coupon        79

7.2.2        Custom Coupon        79

7.2.3        Advanced Coupon        79

7.3        How Do I Change Multiple Prices At A Time?        81

7.4        How Do I Assign Employee Passwords?        81

7.5        What Is The Difference Between An Employee Password And Employee Number?        82

7.6        What Do I Need To Do To Process Credit Cards?        82

7.7        How To Assign Sales Tax Rates        82

7.8        How Do I Assign Sales Tax Rates For Different Local Taxes?        83

7.9        How Do I Assign Prices At the Time An Item Is Ordered?        83

7.10        Can I Sell Items And Have The Software Calculate The Pounds Sold?        83

7.11        I print custom barcode labels for items I sell by the pound. Will BPA read these labels?        83

7.12        Can Cashiers Log Into The POS Screen With Employee Cards Instead of Using Employee Numbers?        85

7.13        How Does Promotional Pricing Work In The Touch Screen POS Software?        85

7.13.1        Promotions For Single Product        85

7.13.2        Promotions By Department and Type        86

7.13.3        Promotions By Vendor        86

7.13.4        Promotions By Custom Filter        86

7.13.5        General Promotion Definitions        86

7.13.6        Backup Current Promotions        87

7.13.7        Restore Backed Up Promotions        87

7.13.8        Clear All Promotions        87

7.13.9        Print Promotions        87

7.14        How Do I Sell a Gift Card?        87

7.15        How Do I Redeem a Gift Card?        87

1        Introduction        3

1.1        Scope of Document        3

1.2        Hardware Requirements        3

1.3        Install Windows Software        4

1.4        Network Setup        4

  1. Introduction

BPA Professional is a product of Business Software Solutions Inc. The most important thing to an owner of a business is to provide a quality product or service to his customers. BPA Professional was designed to enhance this process by providing rich functionality in an easy, user friendly environment.

There are two manuals that you will receive with your POS software. This manual contains information that is specific to the Touch Screen POS Software. The other manual contains information that is directed toward the business accounting portion of the software you are receiving. This software system allows you to run a traditional POS and traditional accounting functions. In addition, the Touch POS functions were designed for businesses that need quick touch screen POS systems like convenience stores.

With BPA POS Professional you can perform accounts receivable, accounts payable, general ledger, customer orders, vendor orders, inventory control and product receiving. If you need to create budgets for each g/l account you can. If you want to convert any of your data base files to a spreadsheet format for import into a spreadsheet you can. If you want to browse any of your major data base files you can. If you want to order products from a specific vendor automatically when products fall below a specific level, you can. If you want to keep a phone list on-line, you can. If you want the system to automatically pay invoices that have an early payment discount coming it will. If you need to enter manual checks as well as print automated checks you can. If you need to password protect major module, you can. If you need to look at prior years' data for comparison you can. If you need to enter employee information and track hours worked and print payroll checks you can. If you need to track maintenance on your equipment you can. If you need to make financial calculations, you can.

BPA POS Professional also provides 100's of reports/printouts: food costs, daily sales postings, monthly statements, past due statements, invoices, trial balance sheets, general ledger activity, balance sheets, income statements, changes in financial position, financial statements for any accounting period, variance in financial statements, vendor mailing labels, aged receivables, aged payables, sales analysis by customer, check registers, reports for all postings, customer lists by city, state or zip, vendor lists by state, employee and salesperson lists, phone lists, and a variety of product reports and inventory lists printed for cycle counting.

  1. Scope of Document

Welcome to your new POS Management System. This document will assist you in getting started. Topics that will be covered include Software Installation, System Definitions, Touch POS Setup, and Touch POS Operations.

  1. Hardware Requirements

You must meet the following minimum hardware requirements to use BUSINESS PLUS ACCOUNTING POS Professional:

  1. Pentium 4 Processor or above.
  2. Windows® XP/Vista/7/8 or Windows Server® 2003/2008
  3. 10 GB of hard drive space.
  4. 512 MB of memory.

Receipt printers used with this system must be Epson compatible receipt printers that support the cutoff command or another brand of printer that has a defined cutoff command and will operation in the generic text print mode. If your printer does not support the cutoff command you will waste time manually line feeding the printer before you tear the receipt from the printer. You must install the generic text print driver. Printer driver setup is accomplished in the Printer Setup area of your operating system.

  1.  Install Windows Software

To install your software correctly you must use the distribution CD, USB flash drive, or download link you received from Business Software Solutions. If your computer is not on, start it as you normally do. If installing from the CD, put the distribution CD into the CD drive. The system will immediately run the installation setup.exe routine on the CD. If you are installing the software from a USB flash drive, simply insert the flash drive, choose Open folder to view files, double click start.exe, and choose Install BPA. If you are installing from a download, simply save the downloaded file to your desktop and double click the file to run the installation.

The setup routine defaults to "\BPA" for the installation directory. In the current software you must use "\BPA" as that subdirectory. The setup routine then copies the distribution files to your hard drive.

  1. Network Setup

When you run BPA POS Professional on a network most files are loaded onto the server computer. However, for optimal performance some files need to be loaded onto the client computers. To load these files on the client computers follow the steps outlined below for each computer.

First, you must map a network drive from the client computer to the root of the drive that BPA is installed in on the server. For example, if BPA is installed in C:\BPA on your server, then your client computer should have a drive mapped to the root of drive C on your server (Drive C on the server also needs to have read/write access enabled).

Next, from the client computer go to the mapped drive and the \BPA directory on that drive and run the file netsetup.exe. The default options should be correct, showing the Destination Drive as C, and the Network Drive as the drive you have mapped. Press the Install BPA on this Workstation button. The appropriate BPA client files will be installed on your computer, and a shortcut for Business Plus Accounting will be placed in your programs menu.

2        Getting Started        7

2.1        Initial System Startup        7

2.2        Defining Employees        7

2.3        Creating Your Sales Menu        8

2.3.1        Adding Product Information to Your System        8

2.3.2        Changing Menu Tab Names        9

2.3.3        Adding Buttons To Your Sales Menu        11

2.4        Adding Sales Tax        12

2.5        Clocking In and Out of the Time Clock        12

2.6        How to Create an Order        13

2.7        How to Close a Sale        14

  1. Getting Started

  1. Initial System Startup

When you initially open the BPA software, you will be asked to enter your company information. At minimum, you should enter your company name. All other information can be entered later by going to Business System > Definitions > Companies > Modify.

  1. Defining Employees

The first thing you should do is create an employee in the system. To do this, go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Employees > Add. At minimum, you will want to fill out the following fields:

  1. Employee # - This is a number that you will define for each employee. Most of our customers will use the last 4 digits of each employee’s Social Security number for this field.
  2. Last Name.
  3. First Name.
  4. Sale Person ID – When a sale is made in the software, this field will be printed on the customer receipt, indicating who made the sale. We recommend either entering the employee number, or the first name of the employee.

  1. Creating Your Sales Menu

To create your sales menu, you should perform the following steps:

  1. Adding Product Information to Your System

Anything that may possibly be sold in the system should be defined as a product. To create the product record, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Add.
  2. At minimum, fill out the following fields:
  1. Product/Service - This will be the name of the product that you are selling. For example, if you are selling crushed ice, you can enter “Crushed Ice” in this field.
  2. UPC Code - If you purchased a bar code scanner with your system, you will be able to sell items by scanning the product’s bar code. Scan or type in the product’s UPC Code in this field.
  3. Description 1 - Again, this is the name of the product you are selling. This field appears on the customer receipt, so try not to use any abbreviations in this field. If you run out of space, you can use Description 2 and 3.
  4. Product Type - This field allows you to categorize the product for reporting purposes. Using our “Crushed Ice” example, you can place this product under the “Food Items” category. Press the F8 key to view a list of categories, and then select the appropriate category. If you need to add an additional Product Types to the system, you can do this by going to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Define Product Types.
  5. Sales Taxable - Place a “Y” in this field if this product needs to be taxed.
  6. Price Level 1 - This is the price that you are charging for this product.
  1. Press Save when finished.

  1. Changing Menu Tab Names

On your sales menu, you can have up to eight (8) tabs.

To change the tab names, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Assign Menu Names.
  2. Change the menu names as needed, then press the F3 key on your keyboard.

  1. Adding Buttons To Your Sales Menu

Once you have created all product records and created menu tabs, you can now begin placing products into your menu. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Menu Items > Add.
  2. Enter the following fields:
  1. Product Code(SKU) - This is the name of the product that you added in Define Products. To view a list of these products, press the F8 key on the keyboard.
  2. Select Menu - This is where you will place the product in the appropriate menu tab on your sales menu. To view a list of your menu tabs, select the F8 key on the keyboard.
  3. Button Text Top/Bottom - This is the text that will show on the button on your menu. Using the Crushed Ice example, you could just enter “Crushed Ice” in this field. Each line allows you to type in ten (10) characters. So, if you do not have enough space on the Button Text Top, you can use the Button Text Bottom to fill this space.
  4. Press Save when finished.

You have now successfully added products to your sales menu.

  1. Adding Sales Tax

To enter your sales tax percentage, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Definitions > Sales Tax Table.
  2. Under Tax Code 1, enter your City, State, and Tax Rate.
  3. Press Save and Exit when finished.

  1. Clocking In and Out of the Time Clock

Before you can perform sales in the system, you must be clocked into the time clock. To clock in, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Touch Screen POS > Cashier Clock In/Clock Out > Employee Clock In.
  2. Enter the employee number you wish to clock in, and then press OK.
  3. You should now receive a message that says Employee Login Successful.

At the end of the day, to clock out of the time clock, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Touch Screen POS > Cashier Clock In/Clock Out > Employee Clock Out.
  2. Enter the employee number you wish to clock out, and then press OK.
  3. You should now receive a message that says Employee Logout Successful.

  1. How to Create an Order

Once you have created an employee, and you have built your sales menu, you can begin creating sales in the system. Remember, you must be logged into the time clock to ring up sales.

To create an order, perform the following steps:

  1. Go to Touch Screen POS > POS Sales.
  2. A Server Log In screen will appear. Enter your employee number, then press OK.
  3. At this point, you may begin adding items to the ticket.

  1. How to Close a Sale

To close a sale, perform the following steps:

  1. On a typical sale you will use the row of yellow buttons at the bottom of your screen which we call quick cash out buttons. Simply click the appropriate button and the sales will be closed. For example, if the customer gave you a $20 bill, then select $20. If they pay with a credit card select Exact Card.
  2. The sale will now be closed.

On occasion a customer may give you an odd cash amount or want to split the sale between two types of payment. To close out a sale in this scenario do the following:

  1. Using the keypad in the upper left corner of the screen, type in the amount the customer gave you. For example, if the customer gave us $20.42, then enter “20.42.”
  2. Select the appropriate payment button at the top of the screen.
  3. The sale will now be closed.
  4. For multiple forms of payment repeat steps 1 and 2 until the full payment has been received. Always enter the cash amount first! For example, if this customer gave us $1 cash and wanted to put the rest on a card you would do the following:
  1. Type 1 on the green keypad and select Cash.
  2. Type 1.42 on the green keypad and select Card.
  3. The sale will now we closed.

3        Manager Functions        19

3.1        Define Menu Items        19

3.2        Define Products        21

3.3        Assign Menu Names        27

3.4        Misc Definitions        28

3.4.1        Touch Point of Sale        28

3.4.2        Receipt Printing Options        30

3.4.3        Point of Sale Devices        30

3.4.4        Manager Options        31

3.4.5        Password Options        32

3.4.6        Customer Sales        33

3.4.7        Business System Options        35

3.5        Define Employees        38

3.6        Schedule Employees        42

3.7        Approve Cashier Clock Out        42

3.8        Assign Employee Card Numbers        42

3.9        Reopen Closed POS Sale        42

3.10        Record Shrinkage and Waste        42

3.11        Product Manufacturing        43

3.12        Remove Closed Sale        43

3.13        POS Reports        44

3.13.1        Summary Sales Report        44

3.13.2        Product Cost Report        44

3.13.3        Pre-Post Sales Report        44

3.13.4        Sales By Product Type And Hour        45

3.13.5        Daily Sales And Labor Report        45

3.13.6        Security Event Reports        45

3.13.7        Cost Margin Report        46

3.13.8        Sales Margin Report        46

3.13.9        Monthly Sales Report        46

3.13.10        Yearly Sales Report        46

3.13.11        Product Activity Report        46

3.13.12        Product Information Report        46

3.13.13        Product Aging Report        46

3.13.14        Average Stock Usage Report        46

3.13.15        Profit Ranking Report        46

3.13.16        Food Waste Report        47

3.13.17        Active Cash Drawer Report        47

3.13.18        Cash Drawer Close Report        47

3.13.19        Active Gift Card Report        47

3.13.20        Redeemed Gift Card Report        47

3.13.21        Reprint Posting Report        47

3.13.22        Product Sales Work Sheet        47

3.13.23        Summary Sales Report by Product Type        48

3.13.24        Cash Drawer Payout Report        48

3.13.25        Summary Sales By Cash Drawer Report        48

3.13.26        Sales By Payment Type        48

3.13.27        Loyalty Credit Report        48

3.14        POS Inventory        48

3.14.1        Print Inventory Cycle Count Report        49

3.14.2        Enter Cycle Count Adjustments        49

3.14.3        Print Inventory Discrepancy Report        49

3.14.4        Post Inventory Cycle Count Changes        49

3.14.5        Print Perpetual Vs Periodic Inventory Discrepancies Report        50

3.14.6        Manual Inventory Adjustment        50

3.14.7        View Manual Changes To Inventory        50

3.14.8        Print Daily Inventory Snap Shot Report        50

3.15        Customer Loyalty        50

3.16        Manual Entry Of Daily Sales        51

  1. Manager Functions

After you have set up your hardware and installed the software on your server computer you can begin setting up your Touch POS software. First go to the POS manager screen by clicking on Touch Screen POS and then Manager Functions. This is where most of the setup occurs for the Touch POS system. First, define your employees. Assign employee numbers to them i.e. 1,2,3,4,5 etc. Next define all the products that you will put on your menus as well as all products that will be sold using a scanner with sku bar codes. Next assign the products that you want on the touch menus to the appropriate menu. You also need to assign a sales tax percentage to the sales tax table # 1. To do this, go to the Business System off the main menu. Then select Definitions and the Sales Tax Table option and enter your percentage. You are now ready to log a cashier in and run your Touch POS system. To prevent unauthorized personal for entering the accounting system or the manager screen you will want to go to the accounting definition screen and assign passwords. Refer to the accounting manual for instructions on passwords.

  1. Define Menu Items

Before you can assign menu buttons to various items, you must define each item in the product definition screen. When your products have been defined you can assign each item to one or more menus. Menu buttons are useful in the Touch Screen POS for items that you will not be scanning with a barcode scanner. Typically, items that have a barcode do not need to have a menu button assigned to them.

The first field in the menu item screen is the Product Code(SKU) field. Here you enter the sku of the product you are adding to the menu. If you cannot remember the sku then you can press F8 and get a pick list of all defined products. After entering the sku you will be in the Select Menu field. Again, you can press F8 and get a pick list of the valid menus. After entering the menu you will need to key in the text you want to appear on the button. You can enter two lines of text for the button, each 10 characters long i.e. “Cheese” in the top line and “Pizza” in the bottom line for a button that will be shown as “Cheese Pizza”.

After defining the text for the button, you have the following options for the item:

Allow Custom Price:         Enabling this option will allow you to assign a price to the item when the menu button is selected. To enable custom pricing for the item you are defining enter a “Y” into this field. As an example, you might use this function if you were selling fruit and charging different prices based on the weight of the fruit.

Allow Custom Credit:        If this item is a coupon, or some other item that credits the customer back some amount, you can use this option to have the software prompt for a dollar amount to credit the customer.

Prompt for Quantity:        Enter “Y” to have the software automatically prompt for a quantity when this item is selected.

Auto Calculate Qty:        Enter “Y” to have the software automatically calculate a quantity based on the product price and the amount entered. For example, use this function to have the software automatically calculate the gallons of gas when you enter the total amount of the gasoline charge.

Select Picture:        Select a picture to appear on the menu button. If you select a picture it will display instead of the button text.

  1. Define Products

All products that you sell in your business or that you order from your vendors must be defined. The costs assigned to these items will aid you in obtaining accurate product costs. The description you enter for each Product/Service will appear on your customer receipts.

If you also provide services to your customers, services are treated like products. To define an hourly service rate, first assign a product number. Enter a description in the Description field (i.e., Hourly Service Rate). Enter a unit of measure (i.e., hour). Then enter the price (i.e., $30.00 meaning $30.00 per hour). If you have different labor rates, you will need to define a Product/Service number for each rate.

There are several fields on the product definition screen that are not used in the Touch POS system. The fields that you must fill in for the POS System are the Product/Service, Description 1, Product Type (this is needed for cost reports - use f8 for a pick list), the Unit of Measure, Cost, Price and Shelf Life if you intend to track products by shelf life.

On hand quantities can be entered when you define a product, but after that point in time all inventory quantities must be entered into Inventory Management or into Product Receiving when product is received from your vendor. The costs assigned to these inventory items must be accurate. These costs are used for cost reports and to calculate cost of goods when the product is sold. If you adjust inventory for lost merchandise you should also adjust your general ledger accounts (inventory and cost of goods sold) by doing a journal entry. Postings to inventory and cost of goods automatically occur when you sell product in the POS system or in the business system.

Product/Service:        Enter the Product/Service identification number. The identification number will be used throughout the system to identify a specific Product/Service. This value must be unique for every product. It can be helpful to start the product/service with a code to help you keep your products organized, such as “Bev_Cola,” indicating the product is a beverage.

UPC Code:        Enter the product UPC code if the product already has a UPC which is different from the Product/Service code you entered above.

Description 1:        Enter Product/Service description. This description is printed on receipts and on standard reports.

Description 2&3:        Enter additional Product/Service description if needed. This description will be printed on invoices and can be printed on any custom product report.

Department:        Products are classified according to Department and Product Type. Department is primarily used on inventory reports. Use F8 to see a pick list of available departments. Additional departments may be defined from the define products menu.

Product Type:        Products should be classified according to type. Product type is primarily used for sales reports. For example: You may want to assign a product type to all beverage products to see your total beverage sales. Use F8 to see a pick list of available product types. Additional product types may be defined from the define products menu.

Size:         Specify the size of the item. You can use the Define Product Styles function from the product definitions menu to quickly create multiple products of the same style in different sizes.

Style:        Specify the product style of the item. Product styles must be defined using the Define Product Styles function.

Color:         Specify the color of the item. You can use the Define Product Styles function from the Product Definitions menu to quickly create multiple products of the same style in different colors.

Pick List Group 1-3:        Products can be assigned to 3 different pick list groups. These groups allow you to pick from a group of products when creating customer orders. Enter the groups you want this product to appear in here.

Product/Service:        Enter “P” if the record created here is for a product. Enter “S” if the record created here is for a service.

Cost:        Enter the unit cost for this product. Example: If the unit of measure of this product is "Each" and the cost to you is $1.00 each, enter 1.000. Be aware that this is only a default cost field. Normally the cost of goods sold comes from the inventory record which holds the exact cost of each product. To keep your default costs as accurate as possible use the Move Latest Costs To Product Records option in Inventory Management. 

Price (1-5):        We support five pricing levels for each product. These pricing levels may be based on distributor, wholesale, retail, etc. or by volume (price level 1 is the base retail price). Enter the unit price for this product in each of the fields.

Compare At:        Comparison price or MSRP.

Sales Taxable (Y/N):        If this product is always non-taxable (sales tax) enter “N”. Otherwise, enter “Y”.

Tax Group:        Use F8 to select a tax group. Tax groups may be defined under Definitions > Sales Tax Table. Tax groups may be used to differentiate the tax used on certain products.

Goods Taxable:        Goods tax is a tax primarily used in Canada. If the product qualifies for goods tax, enter “Y”. Otherwise leave this defaulted to “N”.

G/L Sales Accounts:        If you track product sales based on departments or product types, these products may be assigned separate general ledger accounts for sales (i.e., 4101-0000.) When a product which is assigned an account number is sold, the system will automatically post to that G/L account. This account should be defined in the general ledger prior to doing postings.

G/L COG Acct:        If you track product cost of goods based on departments or product types. These products may be assigned separate general ledger accounts for cost of goods (i.e., 5105-0000.) When a product which is assigned an account number is sold, the system will automatically post to that G/L account. This account should be defined in the general ledger prior to doing postings.

Unit Of Measure:        Enter the smallest unit that you will sell (usually each). Use this unit of measure to sell and to receive products. You may choose your own units. Example: You may want EA=Each, CS=Case, LB=Pound, HR=Hour, etc. Remember, if you choose CS for case you must sell and receive by case.

Unit Weight:        Enter the weight of one of the units of measure for this product.

On Hand:        Enter the number of units of this product you have on hand. Example: If you selected case as the unit of measure and you have 5 cases, enter 5.

Order Level:        Enter the minimum number of units of this product you want to have available. Anything at or below this number will put this product on the reorder report.

Maximum Level:        Enter the maximum number of units of this product you want to have available. If the number of units available is at or below the reorder level the auto reorder function will order enough products to bring the available level up to the maximum level.

Reorder Vendor 1:        Enter the vendor number for the vendor from whom you will purchase this product during an auto reorder. When you select auto reorder from the vendor order option menu, each product that has fallen below its reorder level will be ordered from the vendor entered here.

Reorder Vendor 2&3:        Enter the vendor number of your 2nd and 3rd choice for vendor for this product. Use this data for price comparisons at order time.

Vendor Conversion UM:        If this product can only be ordered from your vendor in a unit that you do not sell, enter the vendor order unit here. This UM will print on the vendor purchase order. When product is received from the vendor it is received using your UM, and your product id. It is much easier for you, as an end user, if you do not use a conversion unit of measure or a conversion number. If you do use these conversions, the conversion takes place when you receive the product in product receiving. As a result you will see different line item numbers (quantity ordered, cost, price, UM) on your purchase order verses your product receiving report.

Vendor Conversion Id:        If the vendor requires a different product ID on his orders enter the vendors product ID here. The system will print this product ID on the vendor order.

Vendor Conversion Nbr:        To convert from the vendor order unit to the unit you sell by entering the conversion number here, (i.e., If you sell in each but you must order in case and a case contains 12 then enter 12 here.)

Lead Time In Days:        Enter the lead time for ordering this product from your vendor. The lead time is helpful in manufacturing lead time analysis.

Default Storage Loc:        Enter the location where you normally store this product. This storage location will appear on the product receiving screen. This will save you the trouble of entering the location. You can change the location in the receiving screen if you store the product in a different location. If you are not tracking inventory storage locations, leave the field blank.

Shelf Life Days:        Enter the number of days you allow this product to sit on the shelf. The product and product location will appear on the shelf life report if shelf time exceeds this number of days.

Volume 1-4 Qty/Price         If you have volume purchase discounts, specify the number of purchases required and the discounted price in these fields.

Comm % Of GPM:        If you pay sales commissions by GPM you can enter a specific GPM here in the product record. When this product is sold, the sales commission will be calculated using the GPM entered here. If nothing is entered here, the commission will be calculated using the default commission in the Employee record of the sale person.

Allow Commission:        Specify if commission will be paid on this product.

Print Bar Code:         If this product needs a bar code printed when product is received in the product receiving screen enter “Y”. The bar codes will only be printed if the user requests bar code printing on receipt of product. You may also choose the Print Label button to print bar codes for this product immediately.

(The following 4 options are primarily for use with our BPAWeb E-Commerce Server)

Product Info URL:        Web URL for more information about this product.

Product Picture URL:        Web address for picture of this product.

Web Enable:        Specifies if this product should be displayed in your web store.

Web Shipping Per Unit:        Enter the amount of shipping that will be charged per unit.

Product Picture:        Select a picture of this product by clicking on the Load button and locating the picture you want to use.

Product Notes:        The product notes field can be used to enter data relating to this product, (i.e. product usage description, installation description, cross reference parts, order information etc.). The data here can be as long as necessary.

Tax Included In Price:        Specify if this product should be treated as Tax Inclusive when sold through the Touch POS system.

Allow EBT:        Specify whether this product can be paid for with EBT in the Touch POS system.

Unique Tax:        Enter the unique tax rate to apply to this item. This percentage overrides your regular sales tax rate and does not add to it. I.e. If your alcohol gets charged 7% sales tax and 5% alcohol tax, enter 12.000.

Multi-Item Discount Group:        If the product qualifies for a multi-item discount, you may assign the group here. Select F8 to pick an existing group or use the New Discount Group button to define a new group. An example of a multi-item discount would be a sale such as buy one, get one half off. Discount groups may also be managed by going to Define Products>Multi-Item Discounts.

Exclude From Discount:        Enter “Y” if this item should not be discounted when a Touch POS order is discounted, or when a customer has a default discount rate. Examples would be coupons, gift cards, gift certificates, etc.

Include In Loyalty Programs:        If this product should apply to customer loyalty programs enter “Y”. Otherwise you may change this to “N”.

When this product is sold in Touch POS, add the following items to the ticket:

        You may add items to this list that will automatically be added to the sale when this product is sold. This is useful for things like bottle deposits or multiple products that are sold as a kit.

Products is Active:        Here you may disable the product by entering a “N”. This will make the product no longer appear on the product list but it will maintain all the sales history for that product.

SKU is a Coupon:        If you are setting up a coupon product enter a “Y” here.

Qualifying Product Group:        Here you may select a group of products that the coupon may be applied to. Select “All” if the coupon may be applied to any product. New product groups may be defined from Define Products>Coupon Qualifying Products.

Coupon Discount %:        If the coupon is for a certain percentage, enter the percentage here. If the coupon is for a dollar amount leave the percentage at 100. Note that no matter what the percentage of the coupon, a negative price must be entered on Page 1 for the maximum value of the coupon.

Apply Coupon For:        Choose whether the coupon applies to 1 line item or all items. If you have a coupon for buy one, get one half off you would set this to 1 line item since you want it to discount 1 item 50%. If you are setting up a coupon simply for 50% off your entire purchase, set this option to all items. The 50% will then apply to all items in the group selected above.

Coupon is Stackable:        If this coupon may be used in conjunction with other coupons enter “Y”. Otherwise leave this set to “N”.

Sell Item By Weight:        Change this option to “Y” if you are selling the item by weight AND you are using a weight scale connected to the system to weigh the product.

Allow Tare Container Selection:        Change this option to “Y” if you need to select the tare container size when selling the product. An example of this would be a yogurt shop that sells yogurt in different size cups.

Tare Weight:        Enter the weight in pounds that should be deducted from the total weight to accommodate for the container.

Tare Container Group:        If you have selected to allow tare container selection, you may specify the group on container to choose from. Select F8 to pick an available group. Tare container groups must first be set up under Define Products>Tare Containers.

  1. Assign Menu Names

You can assign your own names to the menu tabs. This allows you to create menu names that are more meaningful to your business. You have 8 different menus that can occupy two or three rows. When you rename your menus you must use names that are reasonably short. If the names you use are too long you will force the menus to occupy four lines. Also, you cannot change these names if you have an open order that has not been closed or if you have not posted your closed orders.

  1. Misc Definitions

The miscellaneous definitions screen is a page full of options that allows you to fine tune and customize your system to run the way that you need it to. This menu allows you to pick from over 150 options and choose your own settings for the system. This option is essential for system setup and allows you to modify everything from what functions need to be password protected, what printers to use, what to print on your receipts, and hundreds of other options.

  1. Touch Point of Sale

Show images for products in Touch POS:

        If enabled, an image pane will appear in the upper right portion of Touch Screen POS. If there is an image associated with the product it will be displayed at the time of the sale.

Print Touch POS receipt when cashing out:

        This is a per station setting. Select whether or not you would like the customers receipt to automatically print when cashing out a sale in Touch Screen POS.

Allow change on gift card payment:

        If enabled, an employee will be allowed to cash out the remainder of a gift card when it is used for a sale in Touch Screen POS.

Automatically open cash drawer on cash out for cash/check transactions:

        The cash drawer will automatically open when a cash or check transaction is cashed out.

Automatically open cash drawer on cash out for card transactions:

        The cash drawer will automatically open when a card transaction is cashed out.

Allow manual open of cash drawer:

        Select whether to enable or disable the open drawer button in Touch Screen POS.

Disable the use of checks for cashout:

        Enable this option to not allow employees to cash out orders with the check payment type.

Touch POS Button Setup:        Up to seven miscellaneous POS functions may be displayed on the POS sales screen. Here you may select which functions to display.

POS Summary Report Options:        These options allow you to customize your daily sales report for Touch Screen POS. You may also configure the system to automatically e-mail a summary report each day. In order to use the e-mail option you must set up the E-mail Configuration under the Business System tab in Misc Definitions.

Alternate Currencies for Touch POS:

        The Touch Screen POS software has the ability to show order totals in an alternate currency if needed. Here you may specify the alternate currency and the conversion rate. The alternate currency will be displayed on the receipt.

Pre-defined discounts:        Here you may specify predefined discounts. These discounts will be available to choose from on the discount order screen in pos sales. The discount name will also appear on the discounted items report so you can monitor the types of discounts being given.

  1. Receipt Printing Options

Receipt layout:        Here you may enter your company information to be printed on your receipts. The name, address, city, and telephone fields print at the top of the receipt. Notes 1-6 will print at the bottom. These fields may be used to list a website or short return policy.

Print ‘X’ copies of the credit card slip:

        Here you may specify how many copies of a credit card slip you would like printed if you are using integrated credit card processing.

Minimum amount to print credit card signature line:

        Some states only require a signature on a credit card slip if the sale is over a certain dollar amount. Here you may specify that amount if you would like the signature line left off of the receipt.

Print product description line 2/3 on receipt:

        If a product has a second/third line of description it will be printed on the customer receipt.

  1. Point of Sale Devices

Enable POS pole display:        Enable this option only if you have a separate customer pole display and it is installed and configured. The pole display driver must be defined in the Business System under Definitions>Printer and Form Setup.

Weight Scale Type:        If you are using an integrated weight scale with the BPA software, you need to select the type of scale you will be using.

Weight Scale Com Port:        Enter the com port number the scale is attached to.

Weight scale label price digits:        In a deli type environment where items are sold by the pound, the price of the item is often embedded in the bar code that is printed by the produce scale. Here you may select whether to read the price using 4 or 5 digits in the barcode.

Enable USB HID Credit Card Scanner:

        Select the correct type of credit card swipe you are using with the system. MagneSafe card swipes typically have a lock symbol engraved on the side of the card swipe.

  1. Manager Options

Log employees in using:        Here you may specify whether your employees will be logging in by manually entering their employee number or if they will be using employee swipe cards. Note that once cards are enabled, employees will no longer be able to log in using employee numbers. Employee cards are available through the sales department.

Print employee time clock totals on receipt printer at clock out:

        Enable this option to print a weekly time clock report for the employee each time they clock out.

Assign terminal cash drawer number:

        Each terminal that has a cash drawer should be assigned a unique cash drawer id between 01 and 99. This cash drawer id will be used when closing out the drawer in end of day functions as well as for certain cash drawer reports.

Show room charge button on Cashout screen:

        Enable this option if you are using the integrated Hotel and Property Management software and would like to allow pos sales to be charged to a room.

Accounts for Quick On Account screen:

        Here you may specify up to 5 quick on account buttons. You may pick the accounts that you use most. These buttons will appear on the on account screen when you go to place an order on a customer account.

Enter default report start and end time:

        Enter the start and end time to use for reports. Time must be entered in military time. Any report that runs by time of day will use the time specified here as the default time. We suggest that you always cover a 24 hour period to ensure accurate reporting. I.e. If you are open until 2:00 am enter a start time of 03:00 and an end time of 02:59 to ensure all of your sales information is accounted for.

Auto log out employee after cashout:

        After a sale is cashed out the system will require a cashier to log in before using the system. This allows the cashier to walk away from the system without any further action to secure it.

POS employee time out in seconds:

        The system will automatically log a cashier out after the specified amount of idle time. After that time a cashier will be required to log in before using the system.

  1. Password Options

In order for the following password options to work a master password must be defined in the system and the pos manager password option must be activated under Definitions>Passwords for Modules>Activate Module Passwords.

Require manage password to manually open cash drawer:

        A password will be required to use the Open Drawer button in POS sales.

Require manager password to comp items:

        A password will be required to use the comp items function.

Require manager password to void items:

        A password will be required to void items from a sale in Touch Screen POS.

Require manager password to create gift cards:

        A manager password will be required to sell a gift card. You must be using gift cards provided by Business Software Solutions to use this function.

Require manager password to return items in Touch POS:

        A password will be required to perform a return order in Touch Screen POS.

Require manager password to discount/change item price in Touch POS:

        A password will be required to use the discount or change price function in Touch Screen POS.

Require POS manager password to reprint receipt in Touch POS:

        A password will be required to reprint a customer’s receipt in Touch Screen POS.

Require POS manager password to access End Of Day functions:

        A password will be required to access End of Day Processing from the touch POS menu.

Require Definitions password to create customers from Point of Sale:

        The definitions password will be required to create a new customer account from the sales screen.

Require manager password to print Daily Sales & Tips Report for all servers:

        A password will be required to run the daily sales and tips report if 000 is entered as the employee number.

Require manager password to print Daily Sales & Tips Report for individual servers:

        A password will be required to run the daily sales and tips report if an individual’s employee number is entered.

Require manager password to clock in more that ‘X’ minutes prior to employee schedule:

        You may use this function only if you are using the employee scheduling function that is built into the software. A password will be required to clock in more than the specified number of minutes before the employee is scheduled.

Require master password to modify or delete invoices:

        The master password will be required to modify or delete invoices in the customer orders module.

Require POS manager password to edit price in Customer Orders:

        A password will be required to edit the price or time of a sale in the customer orders module.

Require POS manager password to edit order header information:

        A password will be required to modify order header information such as the order date in customer orders.

Require POS manager password to apply memos on order screen:

        A password will be required to apply a credit memo to a customer order in the customer orders module.

  1. Customer Sales

Enable customer profile on orders screen:

        If enabled, you will be presented with a screen enabling you to change the customer’s name and contact information when creating a customer order.

Enable quick point of sale input:        Select this option if you are using the customer orders module with a barcode scanner. This option moves the cursor down to the next line after an item is entered.

Enter quick point of sale account:

        If you use the customer orders module for regular cash sales, you may specify which account to always use for those sales. When one sale is created with this customer account and cashed out, the following sale will automatically use the same account information.

Default customer order invoices to order / sale:

        In customer orders you have the option of marking a transaction as a sale or an order. Here you may specify whether you would like the default setting to be order or sale.

Require sales person in customer orders:

        Select whether the sales person id must be entered to complete a sale in customer orders.

Add commission % prompt to orders screen:

        Enable this option to allow you to key in a commission percentage at the time of the order.

Allow product pick short:        Enable this option to allow your on hand quantity to go less than 0. Otherwise the system will ring the product up as backordered at the time of the sale.

Allow applying of credit memos on order screen:

        Select whether to allow credit memos to be applied when cashing out a customer order.

Add note/shipping address prompt for POS invoices:

        Select whether to have the system give you the opportunity to enter notes or change the shipping address in customer orders.

Enter # of invoice copies to print:

        Select the number of copies of the invoices you would like printed for customer orders.

Print signature line on large invoice if credit card payment applied:

        Select whether to print a signature line on a full size invoice if a credit card is used to process the order.

Print vendor order for drop shipments:

        If a customer sale is marked as a drop shipment when closing out the order and a vendor is assigned to the product, the system will automatically print a vendor order for the product.

Create default invoice notes:        Here you may define default notes that will be printed on each invoice if the Include Notes option is selected when printing the invoice.

Create default quote notes:        Here you may define default notes that will be printed on each quote.

Mark web orders as paid when converting to invoices:

        This option is for use with our E-commerce module. When importing orders from E-commerce into customer orders you may choose to have the invoices marked as paid.

Force credit card authorization for internet orders:

        This option will require a credit card authorization when using the E-commerce module.

  1. Business System        Options

Post Cost Of Goods and Inventory automatically:

        If this option is enabled when you post your table sales the system will automatically deduct your inventory and post your product cost to the general ledger.

Show general accounts when browsing general ledger:

        When using the Browse option at the top of your screen to browse GL accounts, you may choose whether or not to display general accounts.

Print receipt to be signed for credit card payments in A/R:

        Select this option to print a credit card receipt when receiving a credit card payment in A/R.

Enter default currency symbol:        Enter your countries currency symbol to be used by the software.

Automatically generate customer account numbers:

        This option will allow the system to generate customer account number instead of allowing you to specifying the account number.

Enter a New Starting Number For Auto Account Numbers:

        Here you may specify the starting account number for generating automatic account numbers.

Automatically copy new customers to clients:

        When a new customer is created in the software they will automatically be entered into the client contact module.

Automatically generate Product ID’s when adding new products:

        This option will allow the system to automatically generate product ID’s when adding new products to the system.

Enter a New Starting Number For Auto Product ID’s Numbers:

        Enter the starting product number to be used when automatically generating product ID’s.

Automatically generate UPC’s as numbers when adding products:

        This option will allow the system to automatically generate UPC codes when adding new products to the system.

Enter a New Starting Number For Auto UPC Numbers:

        Enter the starting product number to be used when automatically generating UPC codes.

Data archival:        The BPA software is designed to archive information after a certain number of days. BPA does not delete data. Rather, we move it into a separate database that is not regularly used by the system in order to keep the software running optimally. Occasionally you may need to adjust these archive settings. Adjusting them shorter may improve performance in the software. Adjusting them longer will allow you to run reports on more information. The software must be closed on any network clients before adjusting these settings. It is recommended that you only adjust these settings from your BPA server computer.

Archive sales order records after ‘XXXX’ days:

        This archive setting primarily effects how much data is available for business system reports as well as the monthly and yearly sales reports in the POS system.

Archive posting transactions after ‘XXX’ months:

        This archive setting effects how much information is available in the general ledger.

Archive time clock records after ‘XXXX’ days:

        Time clock records will be archived after the time period specified here.

Archive POS sales records after ‘XXXX’ days:

        This archive setting primarily effects how much data is available for POS system reports, not including the monthly and yearly sales reports.

Set default customer search field:

        Here you may select the account number, customer name, or phone number as the field you will use most often to search for customer accounts.

Set default product search key field:

        Here you may select either product or description as the normal search field you will use to find products.

Starting day of work week:        Here you will want to specify the starting day of your work week for payroll. This setting will be used by the time clock report as well as for calculating weekly overtime.

Select product barcode label size:

        Select whether you will be using a small (2”) label or large (4”) label when printing barcodes.

Enable daily inventory snapshop:

        If you would like to use the daily inventory snapshot report functionality, this option must be enabled to enable the actual snapshot to take place.

FTP backup server:        These settings are only intended to be used with the BPA corporate backup and restore functionality which is used to upload store information to a corporate office. For more information on this feature please contact Business Software Solutions technical support.

Email Configuration:        Use this option to configure your outgoing mail server settings to be used for sending automatic reports, invoices, quotes, statements and direct deposit slips. You may also specify the default subject and text to be included in the email for invoices, quotes, and statements.

Online Gift Card Setup:        This configuration is intended for use only with Business Software Solutions’ online gift card service. This service allows you to sync gift card information between multiple locations. Please contact the Business Software Solutions sales department for more information.

Backup Configuration:        Here you may specify up to three locations to store a backup of the BPA software. This backup with be created when you exit the software and choose to run a backup and exit. These storage locations may be a local drive, network location, or flash drive.

  1. Define Employees

Each employee that is going to use the system must be defined with an employee number. This number will be used to clock in and out as well as to log into the system to place orders. At the very minimum you must define an employee number, first and last name, and sales person id. Other fields are optional. Hourly rates and tax information must be filled out in order to use labor tracking and payroll features in the software.

Employee Nbr:        Enter the employee's identification number. The employee’s identification number will be used throughout the system to identify a specific employee.

Last Name:        Enter the employee's last name.

First Name:        Enter the employee's first name.

Salesperson ID:        Defaults to the employee number.

Street:        Enter the employee's mailing address (street).

City:        Enter the employee's mailing address (city).

State:        Enter the employee's mailing address (state).

Zip:        Enter the employee's mailing address (zip).

Phone:        Enter the employee's phone #.

Fax:        Enter the employee's fax #.

Soc Sec #:        Enter the employee's social security number.

# Of Exemptions (0-10):        Enter the number of tax exemptions claimed by the employee.

Tax Status (M/S/X):         Enter the employee's tax status. M= Married, S=Single, X=Exempt Student.

Hourly Rate 1-3:        Enter the employee's hourly rate, if applicable. The software allows for each employee to clock in under one of three job descriptions and allows for a different pay rate for each, i.e. Server, Busser, Cook etc.

Job Code 1-3:        Click in this box and select the Pick button to see available job codes or positions. Additional positions may be defined from the Define Employees menu.

O.T. Rate 1-3:        Enter the overtime rate for each of the hourly rates defined above (where applicable).

Salary:        Enter the employee’s salary based on the pay period: weekly, biweekly, semimonthly, or monthly.

Allow non-approved clock outs (Y/N):        

Choose whether or not to allow servers to clock out without manager approval.        

Vac Hrs Current/Bank:        Enter the number of vacation hours earned by the employee.

Total Vac Hours:        Enter the total number of vacation hours for the employee.

Sick Hrs current/Bank:        Enter the number of sick hours used by the employee.

Total Sick Hours:        Enter the total number of sick hours for the employee.

Floating Holiday Hrs.:        Enter the total number of floating holiday hours.

Date Leave Calculated:        Enter the date that the above totals were calculated.

Termination Date:        Enter the date the employee was terminated, if applicable.

Use Commission lvls:        Select whether or not to use defined commission levels.(Y/N)

Commission % on Sale:        If this employee has been defined as a salesperson, enter the percentage you wish to be used in calculating sales commissions. The commission is a percentage of net sales.

Commission % on G.P.M.:        If this employee has been defined as a salesperson, enter the percentage you wish to use in calculating sales commissions. The commission is a percentage of gross profit margin.

YTD Gross:        Enter the employee’s year-to-date gross earnings. If you are using BPA’s payroll module this and the next four fields are automatically updated when the payroll is posted. If you are using a manual system, these fields will need to be manually updated.

YTD Soc Sec:        Enter the employee's year to date social security withholdings.

YTD Medicare:        Enter the employee's year to date Medicare withholdings.

YTD Fed With:        Enter the employee's year to date federal withholding tax.

YTD State With:        Enter the employee's year to date state withholding tax.

State Tax% Of Fed:        The state withholding tax tables for the state of Utah are hard coded into the software. For states other than Utah the payroll deduction for state withholding tax can be made as a percentage of the federal withholding tax. The individual state tax commission will know what the percentage is for the state in which you live.

State Tax % Of Gross:        If the state withholding tax for your state is a percent of gross wages, enter the % into this field.

City Tax% Of Fed:        The payroll deduction for city withholding tax can be made as a percentage of the federal withholding tax. The individual city tax commission will know what the percentage is for the city in which you live.

City Tax % Of Gross:        If the city withholding tax for your city is a percent of gross wages, enter the % into this field.

Position:        Enter the employee's position in the company.

Date Of Hire:        Enter the date the employee was hired.

Rehire Eligible (Y/N):        Enter “Y” or “N” to indicate whether or not the employee is eligible for rehire in the future.

Full/Part Time (F/P):        Enter “F” for full time, “P” for part time status.

Term Reason:        Enter the reason for terminating the employee for future reference.

Email:        Enter the employee’s email address.

Website:        Enter the employee’s website address.

Page 4 is setup for those states that require a minimum payroll amount to be met before any state taxes are withheld.

The thresholds are setup as follows: Weekly, Bi-Weekly, Semi-Monthly, Monthly, Quarterly, Semi-Annually, Annually, and Daily.

  1. Schedule Employees

Use this module to create a daily schedule for your employees. This not only allows you to keep track of your employees work times and gives them a clear schedule to go from but you can also use the schedule and certain options in the miscellaneous definitions menu to prevent your employees from clocking in when they are not scheduled to work.

  1. Approve Cashier Clock Out

After the manager has reviewed the cashier’s sales report, the manager will use this function to approve a cashier for clock out. If the system is configured to use this option the cashier will be unable to clock out until they have been approved by a manager. To approve the cashier for clock out enter the cashier # and press enter.

  1. Assign Employee Card Numbers

This function will allow you to make your business more secure by assigning a reusable magnetic card to each employee to be used to clock in as well as to cashier in. These cards are available from our sales department in an assortment of colors to help you keep track of your employees as well as prevent anyone from using the system that is not assigned a card to cashier in.

  1. Reopen Closed POS Sale

In the manager screen you can reopen an order by entering the transaction number of that order. You can use the pick list (F8) to see the existing orders and pick the one you need. You cannot reopen orders after they have been posted using the post POS sales function. If you are reopening the order to do a receipt reprint you should use the reprint function on the Touch POS screen. When an order is reopened it can be modified but it must be closed again just like any other order. A reopened order will be placed on hold and may be retrieved using the retrieve order function in POS sales.

  1. Record Shrinkage and Waste

It is impossible to run a business without a little bit of waste. With this menu option, BPA allows you to track each occurrence of waste and give a reason (samples, spillage, spoilage, etc.), quantity, shift (when it happened) and so on. To record waste, enter the product ID / sku for the wasted item. Enter the quantity of waste. Select the waste type and key in the shift. The waste type and shift data remain on the screen as you enter each item that was wasted so that you only have to enter these fields once for each waste type. When you have finished entering each item for each type of waste you press Post Waste to record your waste and remove the wasted inventory. After posting waste you can run a waste report for any date range.

  1. Product Manufacturing

Our Product Manufacturing module gives you the power to setup and maintain those inventory items that you make out of other components in inventory. Using this powerful tool you can create a kit that specifies which raw components are used to make the end product and then create a batch of that kit to maintain an accurate inventory. This module is especially useful for pre-made items that need to reflect in inventory as the end item and not the raw components. The manufacturing kits pull your inventory when you run the batch, regardless of the date they are purchased.

  1. Remove Closed Sale

If a cashier has made a mistake on a closed sale that you want corrected, you can remove the sale here and then re-enter the items for the sale correctly. This can only be done after the sale has been closed by the cashier and before you have posted sales.

  1. POS Reports

  1. Summary Sales Report

The summary sales report shows each order/transaction. For each transaction you will see the type of payment, sub-total, tax and total. You will also see totals for all transactions at the bottom of the report.

  1. Product Cost Report

The product cost report shows items by product type (i.e. food, drink, pizza etc.). For each item you see the number sold, the total sales for that item, the percent of total sales for the item, and the costs and percent of costs for the item.

  1. Pre-Post Sales Report

The sales pre-posting report should be printed each day and kept for your records in case you have a printer problem when you print the actual posting report. The posting report shows each transaction with subtotal, tax and total and it shows time and date in. This report is printed and totaled by cashier so you can see each cashiers transactions. At the bottom of the report are report totals for number of orders, average order, and tickets per cashier.

  1. Sales By Product Type And Hour

This report allows you to enter a start date and time and an end date and time. The report shows summary sales totals by product type (i.e. food, drink, etc.). The report also shows sales totals for each hour of the day. This report will help you decide how to staff your business based on the productive hours of the business.

  1. Daily Sales And Labor Report

The daily sales and labor report shows each hour of the day and the totals for that hour. You, as a manager, can look at each hour and decide if you have too many or too few workers based on total sales and labor for the hour. You will also see a breakdown of sales by product type if you are using the default types (i.e. appetizers, drinks, food, etc.). At the bottom of this report is a summary of all hours for the day.

  1. Security Event Reports

Void Items Report

The void items report shows each item removed with price, date and time. These items were removed from the order on the POS sales screen.

Remove Closed POS Sales Report

The remove closed POS sales report shows each item removed with price, date and time. These items were removed after the order was closed using the Remove Closed POS Sale function in manager functions.

Price Change Report

The price change report shows any items for which the price was manually changed from the POS sales screen. This report lists the transaction number, cashier number, product, time, and old and new price.

Discounted Items Report

The discounted items report shows all orders that were discounted during the selected date range. The report shows transaction #, discount %, discount, total, date and time.

Complimentary Items Report

The complimentary items report shows all items that were complimented during the selected date range. The report shows transaction #, table, item, price, date and time.

Return Items Report

The return items report shows any returns that were processed from the POS screen. This report lists the transaction number of the returns as well as the item, date and time, quantity, price, and total for the return order.

  1. Cost Margin Report

The cost margin report shows your margins on each product in the system based on current assigned costs and prices.

  1. Sales Margin Report

The sales margin report shows sales margins for items you have sold during the date range you select.

  1. Monthly Sales Report

The monthly sales report shows sales for each day of the month. The report shows taxable sales, exempt sales, costs, profits, profit margin, sales tax, sales per order, payments received and payments outstanding. You must post your POS sales to populate this report.

  1. Yearly Sales Report

The yearly sales report shows sales for each month of the year. The report shows taxable sales, exempt sales, costs, profits, profit margin, sales tax, sales per order, payments received and payments outstanding. You must post your POS sales to populate this report.

  1. Product Activity Report

This report shows each month of the current year and the total quantities sold for each item for each month. Monthly totals for all items sold during a month are at the bottom of the report.

  1. Product Information Report

The product information report shows each item defined as a product. For each item you see on hand quantity, order level, vendor, last stored, shelf life, cost, price and product type.

  1. Product Aging Report

The product aging report shows all inventory that has been in inventory longer than XX days. You decide how many days. For those products that have been in inventory for more than XX days the report shows you how close those products are to the shelf life you have assigned to them. A negative life on the report indicates that the product is past its shelf life. The report also shows the date the item was stored in inventory. The software removes inventory based on first in first out. For this report to be meaningful, you, as a manager, will need to make sure you remove product from the shelf first in first out. You will need a system to do this (i.e. put on the left remove from the right as you stock and remove shelf inventory).

  1. Average Stock Usage Report

The average stock usage reports report shows average usage per day (calculated over the last 21 days). The report shows the quantity that will be used for XXX days (which you enter). The report shows how short you are in quantity for XXX days. The report also shows current on hand and days of stock that you currently have in inventory.

  1. Profit Ranking Report

The profit ranking report shows items for a date range ranked by the profit generated by the item. The highest profit items are at the top. The report shows item, quantity sold, sales totals, cost totals, profit, and profit percent.

  1. Food Waste Report

The food waste report shows all items that have been entered into the food waste system. The report is printed by date range and each type of waste is printed on a separate sheet (i.e. spillage, spoilage, etc.)

  1. Active Cash Drawer Report

The active cash drawer report shows each sale that was closed for a given cash drawer number before the drawer is closed and cleared. Sales are grouped by drawer number and then by cashier.

  1. Cash Drawer Close Report

The cash drawer close report shows how and when each cash drawer was closed for a certain period of time. You may also use this report as a reprint of the drawer closing report if it was not printed at the time the drawer was closed.

  1. Active Gift Card Report

The active gift card report shows a list of gift cards that were purchased during the specified date range and currently have a balance. This report shows the transaction number of the gift card purchase, gift card number, date of purchase, starting balance on the card, total used, and amount remaining.

  1. Redeemed Gift Card Report

The redeemed gift card report shows when a gift card was used for a purchase. This report shows the transaction # of the purchase, gift card number, date of purchase, starting balance on the card, date used, total used, and amount remaining.

  1. Reprint Posting Report

If you are unable to print the posting report at the time that you post POS sales in end of day processing, you may use this function to reprint your posting report. The sales posting report should be printed each day and kept for your records. The posting report shows each transaction with subtotal, tax and total and it shows time in and time out. This report is printed by cashier so you can see what each cashier did. At the bottom of the report are report totals for number of transactions, average sale, and sales per cashier. At the end of this report you will find the postings to the G/L for sales account, bank account, tax account, COG account, inventory account and A/R account.

  1. Product Sales Work Sheet

The product sales work sheet is a list of all products and is used to record quantities sold and totals paid for items, typically for a single day. For example, I sold 100 chicken sandwiches in my convenience store today for $10.00 each for a total of $1000.00 for chicken sandwiches. This work sheet is used by manual businesses (those not using a computerized point of sale system). At the end of each day sales totals can be recorded on the Product Sales Work Sheet and then entered into the system using the function Manual Entry Of Daily Sales. Using these functions manual businesses can track sales, control costs and print sales reports.

  1. Summary Sales Report by Product Type

The summary sales report by product type shows average price, quantity sold, and extended price for each product sold and groups the products according to product type. A total is given for each product type.

  1. Cash Drawer Payout Report

The cash drawer payout report shows any petty cash payout that was made using the petty cash payout function under the Misc POS button in POS sales. This report shows the employee that made the payout, what was purchased, the drawer number, total, and date and time the payout was recorded.

  1. Summary Sales By Cash Drawer Report

The summary sales by cash drawer report shows each transaction grouped by cash drawer number. For each transaction you will see the type of payment, the sub-total, tax and total. You will also see totals for all transactions at the bottom of the report.

  1. Sales By Payment Type

If you are using integrated credit card processing, this report will break down your sales amounts by credit card type, cash, check, on account, and gift card. This report shows sales, tax, and totals for each payment type.

  1. Loyalty Credit Report

If you are using the loyalty credit functionality in the software you may use this report to see a list of customers that have accrued loyalty credits. This report shows the total they have spent and how many credits they have earned, have spent, and have remaining.

  1. POS Inventory

  1. Print Inventory Cycle Count Report

Use this function to print a report for counting inventory. This count is a periodic cycle count and will be used to adjust inventory. The report has a column for quantity counted and a column for the difference between what the software thinks is in inventory and what you counted. This column represents the adjustment to inventory that will need to be made to make inventory accurate.

  1. Enter Cycle Count Adjustments

Use this function to enter the adjustments to inventory that you entered on your cycle count report. After you have entered these adjustments you will need to post them to actually apply them to physical inventory and to the general ledger inventory account.

  1. Print Inventory Discrepancy Report

Use this function to print a report showing the inventory discrepancies that you have entered into the system from your inventory cycle count report. After you have reviewed these adjustments you will need to post them to actually apply them to physical inventory and to the general ledger inventory account.

  1. Post Inventory Cycle Count Changes

Use this function to post the changes you have entered to physical inventory and to the general ledger inventory and cost of goods accounts. If you have lost inventory your G/L inventory account will be reduced and your cost of goods account will be increased.

  1. Print Perpetual Vs Periodic Inventory Discrepancies Report

Use this function to compare your periodic counts to your perpetual inventory. This report will help you identify inventory problems you have in your business. The report shows the 1st count, the 2nd Count, and what was purchased between the two counts. It shows what was sold between the two counts. It shows what was lost between the two counts. It shows what the computer says should have been on hand and it shows the difference/variance. The difference represents the difference between what the computer thought was on hand and what the physical count shows was on hand.

  1. Manual Inventory Adjustment

You can adjust inventory using the Add, Modify or Delete functions contained within this module. However, it is better to use the cycle count function to adjust inventory and the vendor order and receiving functions to put product into inventory. The cycle count function will count and adjust inventory including the general ledger sales and cost of goods accounts. The manual inventory adjust function does not adjust the general ledger. These adjustments must be made as journal entries in the accounting general ledger module.

  1. View Manual Changes To Inventory

 This function allows you to view dates, times, and modifications made to inventory using the manual inventory adjustment function. This will help you identify inventory changes that you may not be aware of that were made by your employees.

  1. Print Daily Inventory Snap Shot Report

This function allows you to print a snap shot report of your inventory for any day. For example, if you are looking at your on hand inventory levels and you see some on hand quantities that do not seem right, you can print an inventory snap shot report for each day of the last week or month and see when the on hand levels changed. This will help you find the point of time that you inventory changed. To print this report and have it be meaningful you must be taking inventory snap shots each day. This will happen automatically if you have enabled inventory snap shots. To enable inventory snap shots go to POS Manager Functions > Misc Definitions > Business System and check the option Enable Daily Inventory Snapshot. From this point on the system will automatically take one inventory snap shot each day.

  1. Customer Loyalty

Within the BPA Touch POS we provide several different options for you to reward your most loyal customers. We currently have three basic types of customer loyalty systems: A percentage discount based on the dollar amount spent, a redeemable credit based on the total amount spent, and a punch card type program where you can define a specific item to generate a reward after a certain quantity of specified items are sold to a specific customer. These loyalty systems are customizable in order to fit your needs. Customer loyalty cards are available from our sales department.

  1. Manual Entry Of Daily Sales

This function is most often used by businesses who are writing hand tickets for customer orders. In other words, they do not use the computer to select items, print receipts etc. If you are that type of business, you will use this function to record all your sales. This is necessary for you to track product costs, sales, and inventory.

To use this function you will need to collect the sales data you will be entering into the system. You will need the quantity sold for each item and the total paid for the items you are entering. The data you are collecting is usually for one day. However, it can be for any time period you desire including multiple times in a day. To collect your data print a Product Sales Work Sheet. Use this as a worksheet to collect your data. Then to enter your data select the Manual Entry of Daily Sales button on the manager menu. You will then enter the date for the sales and the sales tax collected for the sales you are entering.

At this point you will be presented with a screen of your defined product items similar to your worksheet. Transfer your sales data to the screen entering the quantity sold for each item. When you enter the quantity sold the system will calculate the total paid for each item using the defined default price. If the total paid is correct simply go to the next item and enter its quantity. If the total paid is not right change it to the correct total.

When you have entered all your data press F3 to continue. Next the system will ask you if you are ready to post your sales. When you post these sales the data you have entered will be posted to your general ledger (sales, cost of goods, sales tax, bank account, and inventory) and physical inventory will be adjusted for the sales. The data will also be posted to your sales data files so that sales reports (daily, monthly, yearly etc.) can be printed.

For businesses who are writing hand tickets for customer orders, it is important to use this function to record sales and process inventory. This is the only way that the system can get the data it needs to compare what you have sold with what you have purchased to help you control your recipes, and shrinkage. In other words, what you sell and what you purchase should match but they typically will be off due to various types of shrinkage. This information will help you determine how accurate you recipes are and how much product is being lost. You will also need to complete your periodic monthly inventories to help the system give you this information.

4        Touch POS Sales        55

4.1        Entering Touch POS Sales        55

4.2        Green Keypad        55

4.3        Check Button        56

4.4        In Store Credit Button        56

4.5        Card Button        56

4.6        Debit Card Button        56

4.7        Check # Button        56

4.8        Gift Card Button        56

4.9        EBT Payment Button        57

4.10        Cash Button        57

4.11        Pick Button        57

4.12        Change Price Button        57

4.13        Change Qty Button        57

4.14        Return Order Button        57

4.15        Miscellaneous Taxable and Non-taxable Items        57

4.16        Petty Cash Payout        58

4.17        Weight Scale Label        58

4.18        Page Up and Page Down        58

4.19        Misc POS        58

4.19.1        Edit Item        58

4.19.2        Check Gift Card        58

4.19.3        Select Alternate Currency        58

4.20        Discount Button        58

4.21        Quick Cash Out Buttons        59

4.22        Enter a Specific Customer        59

4.23        Put On Account        60

4.24        Retrieve Order        60

4.25        Hold Order        60

4.26        Print Receipt Button        60

4.27        Receipt Reprint        60

4.28        Void Item / Void Sale Button        60

4.29        Open Drawer Button        60

4.30        Cashier Out Button        60

4.31        Cashier In Button        61

4.32        Customer Loyalty        61

4.33        View Schedule        62

4.34        Display Pole Total        62

  1. Touch POS Sales

  1. Entering Touch POS Sales

To enter POS sales the cashier must first clock in. After clocking in the cashier can press the POS sales button to enter the Touch POS sales menu. The cashier will then press the cashier button and key in his/her cashier number. If the cashier makes a mistake on the selected item, the cashier must press the void item button and delete the item that is wrong and then add the correct item. The cashier can print customer receipts at any time. If the manager password is active the cashier will need a password to discount or remove an item. When the cashier has finished with a sale, the cashier can close the sale by accepting cash, credit card, or check. Credit cards may be authorized through the software by using one of the three credit card integration methods supported by the BPA software. You may also use a standalone credit card machine if you choose.

  1. Green Keypad

The green keypad in the upper left corner of the screen is used to enter a value for the green cashout buttons at the top of the screen as well as the Change Price and Change Quantity buttons. To use this keypad, simply enter the required value and then select the function to load that value. For instance, if someone would like to split a payment using $20.00 cash and the remainder on a card you would type “20” on the keypad and then select the green Cash button at the top of the screen. You will see 20.00 appear below the Cash button. Then enter the remaining balance due on the keypad and select Credit Card. You will see that value loaded below the Credit Card button and the order will be closed.

  1. Check Button

The Check button may be used to cash out an order that is paid by check. Typically this Check button will only be used when the check is not for the exact amount of the sale, such as when a customer splits the payment or pays more than the amount of the transaction. The value for this button must be entered using the green keypad to the left. Otherwise the Exact Check button may be used.

  1. In Store Credit Button

The in store credit button becomes active when a customer account is chosen that has credit available or on a return order. To apply available in store credit to the sale use the Specific Customer button to select the customer account. You will see the available credit appear on the face of the button. Simple select the button and the in store credit will be applied to the order. If the credit does not cover the entire amount of the order, simply use one of the other green payment type buttons to apply the remaining balance due.

On a return order this button may be used to create in store credit for the customer. After ringing in the item and selecting return order, simply select Create In Store Credit. You will be prompted to select or create a customer account by entering the customers information.

  1. Card Button

The Card button may be used to cash out an order that is paid by credit card. Typically this Card button will only be used when the card is not for the exact amount of the sale such as when a customer splits the payment. The value for this button must be entered using the green keypad to the left. Otherwise the Exact Card button may be used.

  1. Debit Card Button

The Debit Card button may be used to cash out an order that is paid by debit card if you are using integrated credit card processing, have debit card processing enabled, and have a pinpad configured with the system. Contact technical support for more information on configuring the system to process debit payments.

  1. Check # Button

The Check # button allows you to record the check number that was used for the payment. Simply enter the check number on the green keypad and select the Check # button. The check number will be recorded.

  1. Gift Card Button

The Gift Card Button allows you to apply a payment with a gift card to the sale. Simply select the Gift Card button and swipe the gift card. The system will show you the balance on the card as well as how much will be used and what will remain on the card. Select Ok to apply the payment to the order.

  1. EBT Payment Button

The EBT payment button allows you to cash out orders as an EBT payment. In order for the EBT button to become active, products on the order must be marked to allow EBT. This can be done on each product by going to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Modify from the main screen and selecting the products that need to be marked to allow EBT. This option is on Page 3 of the product definition. EBT payments must be processed separately from the BPA software.

  1. Cash Button

The Cash button may be used to cash out an order that is paid by cash. Typically this Cash button will only be used when the cash is not for the exact amount of the sale such as when a customer splits the payment or gives you an odd cash amount. The value for this button must be entered using the green keypad to the left. Otherwise the Exact Cash button or one of the yellow quick cashout buttons may be used.

  1. Pick Button

The Pick button allows you to pick an item from your product list instead of scanning the barcode or clicking on a menu item. This is useful if an item is missing a barcode or does not have a menu button set up. You may also use this function to look up the price of an item without ringing it in.

  1. Change Price Button

The Change Price button may be used to override the regular price of any item added to the sale. This function may be password protected. To use this function simply highlight the item on the ticket at the left side of the screen. Type in the new price on the green keypad and select the Change Price button.

  1. Change Qty Button

The Change Quantity button may be used to override the quantity of any item added to the sale. To use this function simply highlight the item on the ticket at the left side of the screen. Type in the new quantity on the green keypad and select the Change Qty button.

  1. Return Order Button

The Return Order button is used to process returns. To process a return simply ring in the item or items that the customer is returning and then select return order. You will notice the cashout buttons at the top of the screen will turn red. You must select one of these options to cash out the return order.

  1. Miscellaneous Taxable and Non-taxable Items

There are times when you need to sell miscellaneous items that are marked as taxable or non-taxable. To do this, select the Misc Taxable or the Misc Non-taxable button from the Touch POS screen. When you press the button a numeric key pad will be displayed. From this key pad you can enter the price of the item.

  1. Petty Cash Payout

The petty cash payout function may be used to record payouts from the cash drawer and what the payout was used for. This is useful in an instance where you need to send an employee to the store to purchase a product. Payouts will appear on the daily sales report, on the cash drawer close out screen, and on the payout report in manager functions.

  1. Weight Scale Label

The Weight Scale Label function is used to read barcodes that have the price embedded in the barcode. This type of barcode is often used in a deli environment where meats and cheese are sold by the pound and the scale prints a label for the particular product.

  1. Page Up and Page Down

There are two sets of page up and page down buttons on your POS screen. These navigation buttons may be used if you have more items on the ticket or more menu buttons on one menu than the screen allows. The two buttons on the left are used to page up and down to see the items on the ticket. The two on the right are used to page up and down to see additional menu buttons. Menu buttons will automatically be placed on the next page if there is no room.

  1. Misc POS

  1. Edit Item

Edit item allows you to change the item description for an item on the current order. Simply select the item on the ticket, select Misc POS, and then Edit Item. Enter the new item description and select Ok.

  1. Check Gift Card

The Check Gift Card function may be used to check the balance on a gift card. Simply select this option and swipe the gift card to see the available balance.

  1. Select Alternate Currency

The Select Alternate Currency option displays the total for the sale in a different currency and will print this total on the receipt. Alternate currencies must be defined under Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Misc Definitions.

  1. Discount Button

Use this function to discount one or more items on the current transaction. To discount an item or an entire order enter the percent for the discount (i.e. 10.00 = 10%) and then select either Discount One or Discount All. If the POS manager password is enabled you must enter that password to execute this function unless this function is not password protected in miscellaneous definitions.

  1. Quick Cash Out Buttons

The yellow quick cash out buttons on the POS screen can be used when the customer is paying with cash or an exact check or card amount. The cash amount buttons will automatically adjust to the nearest dollar amount to the sale total in even increments. Pressing one of these quick cash out buttons will immediately cash out the order. These buttons will be used to close most orders. If you are given an odd cash amount or need to split a payment you must use the green cashout buttons above.

  1. Enter a Specific Customer

The Enter a Specific Customer function allows you to associate a customer account with the ticket that is currently open. You may enter or pick an existing customer account or enter customer information to set up a new account. You can use this function to assign an account to an order for the purpose of tracking customer sales, putting the order on account, tracking customer loyalty, applying customer pricing or discounts, or applying a different customer specific tax rate. For more information on customer accounts see the Business Plus Accounting Business System Manual.

  1. Put On Account

The Put On Account button allows you to cash out a sale and charge it to a customer account. Use the Specific Customer option to pick the customer account. Note that only the remaining balance of the order will be placed on account. If a customer wishes to make a partial payment with cash and charge the rest to the account this may be done by first entering the cash amount using the green Cash button above and then selecting the Put On Account button.

  1. Retrieve Order

This function may be used to retrieve an order that had been placed on hold. Orders may only be retrieved if there is not an active order open. You will also need to use the Retrieve Order function to retrieve an order that has been reopened using the Reopen Closed POS Sale function in manager functions.

  1. Hold Order

The Hold Order function will place the currently open order on hold. This is useful if a customer forgot something and wants you to hold their order while you check out another customer.

  1. Print Receipt Button

Use the print receipt function to print out a receipt for the current order. Receipts can be printed as often as needed. The receipt that is printed is for the current order.

  1. Receipt Reprint

In the Touch POS screen you can reprint a closed receipt by selecting the appropriate order from a transaction selection screen. The most recently closed order is automatically selected for your convenience.

  1. Void Item / Void Sale Button

Use this function to remove items from the current sale. Select the item that you want to remove and click the Remove Item button or select the Void Sale button to remove the entire order and all of its items. If the POS manager password is enabled you must enter that password to execute this function unless the password requirement has been turned off in miscellaneous definitions.

  1. Open Drawer Button

If the auto open cash drawer function is enabled, the cash drawer will open when an order is closed and the receipt is printed. If you need the ability to open the cash drawer at any time by pressing the Open Drawer button, you must enable the cash drawer manual open function. This is accomplished by selecting Touch Screen POS>POS Manager Functions>Misc Definitions and checking the option Allow manual open of cash drawer.

  1. Cashier Out Button

The cashier uses the cashier out function to temporarily log out of the Touch POS system. Logging out prevents other cashiers from processing orders using the wrong cashier number. You should always press the Cashier Out button when walking away from the terminal.

  1. Cashier In Button

The cashier uses this function to log into the Touch POS system. To log in, use the keypad to enter your cashier #. This number is the same as your employee number. This number is assigned when an employee is added to the system through the employee definition option selected on the manager menu.

  1. Customer Loyalty

The Customer Loyalty button is used to track and redeem loyalty credits or discounts. This option is typically used with loyalty cards that are available from Business Software Solutions. To use this function, ring in the order as you normally would. Then select Customer Loyalty and swipe the customer’s card. If the card has been used before it will show you the credits available or apply the appropriate discount. If you are using credits, you may choose Redeem Credits.

If the card has not been used before, the system will allow you to assign the card to an existing customer account or create a new account. This button will turn red when loyalty tracking is enabled for the sale. To set up a customer loyalty program, go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Customer Loyalty.

  1. View Schedule

The View Schedule button is used to access the scheduling module directly from your POS screen. Please see the section on the scheduling module for more information.

  1. Display Pole Total

The Display Pole Total button is used if you are using a customer display pole. Pressing this button at the end of the sale will display the customer total on the display pole.

5        Touch POS Menu        65

5.1        Cashier Clock In / Clock Out        65

5.2        Daily Sales Report        65

5.3        End of Day Processing        66

5.3.1        View Pre-Post Cash Out Data        66

5.3.2        Post Touch POS Sales        66

5.3.3        Close POS Cash Drawer        66

5.4        View Closed POS Header Data        66

5.5        View Closed POS Items Data        66

  1. Touch POS Menu

  1. Cashier Clock In / Clock Out

This is where the cashiers clock in and clock out each day. Before a cashier can enter an order he/she must be clocked in. To clock in, a cashier must enter a valid cashier/employee number.

Before clocking out the cashier should print their sales report. This report will be used by the manager to verify that the money due at clock out is accurate. As an optional feature in the software, you may require each cashier to have the manager approve him/her for clock out. The cashier can clock out by entering his/her employee number.

This menu also contains a number of manager functions for managing your time clock including the ability to view/edit the clock and print clock reports for each employee. The Check Clock-Ins Report shows all employees that are currently clocked in. The overtime and labor report are useful in setting employee schedules.

  1. Daily Sales Report

The daily sales report is one of the most useful summary reports in the system. This report can be run for each individual cashier or for the entire system buy entering “000” as the employee number. This is the only report in the system that is designed to be printed on a receipt printer. It also may be printed on a full size document printer.

This report may be configured to show optional information by going to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Function > Misc Definitions > Touch Point of Sale > POS Summary Report Options. This report will give you information on total sales, ticket count, payment types, hourly sales, and labor totals. We suggest printing this report as part of your end of day or end of shift procedures.

  1. End of Day Processing

  1. View Pre-Post Cash Out Data

View Pre-Post Cash Out Data allows you to view all the transactions that will be posted. Browsing over this data allows you to make sure there are no large accidental transactions that were closed in the software. Sales will not be able to be removed after the posting process.

  1. Post Touch POS Sales

Each day the manager will need to post all Touch POS sales for the day. This function permanently records your sales in the system, populates certain reports, deducts inventory, and posts sales to the general ledger. It also gives you the option to print a posting report which is similar in format to a Z report. This report is broken down by cashier. Each cashiers totals will print on this report. The report includes such information as total sales, average sale and number of sales.

  1. Close POS Cash Drawer

The Close POS Cash Drawer function is used to settle the cash drawer at the end of the day or shift. Simply enter the cash drawer number you would like to close and press enter. The system will automatically pull in totals for check, credit card, EBT, and gift card payments from the sales that were closed under that cash drawer number. To reconcile the drawer, enter the beginning cash amount in the upper left box. This will be the amount that was in your drawer at the beginning of the day or shift. Next, enter the ending cash amount by entering the quantity of pennies, nickels, dimes, etc. If everything reconciles correctly your Cash Drawer Off By amount should be zero. Once you have finished reconciling the drawer select OK. You will be asked if would like to print a cash drawer report and then if you are ready to close and clear the drawer. If you choose to clear the drawer, all totals will be set back to zero. If you do not choose to close the drawer, all the current sales totals will remain in the close cash drawer screen.

  1. View Closed POS Header Data

Use this function to view closed POS header data. The sales header contains the sales transaction number, cashier number, number of items for the sale and other totals.

  1. View Closed POS Items Data

Use this function to view closed POS detail data. The POS items data contains each item that was purchased by the customer, the cost of each item, the cashier number and the transaction number.

6        Scheduling System        71

6.1        Overview        71

6.2        How To Access the Schedule        71

6.3        Set up the Scheduling System        72

6.3.1        Scheduling Options        72

6.3.2        Define Employee Scheduling Types        73

6.3.3        Define Other Scheduling Types        74

6.4        Working With the Schedule        74

6.5        Creating or Editing Appointments        74

6.6        Schedule Appointment Screen        75

6.6.1        Customer Information        75

6.6.2        Products        75

6.6.3        Adding Resources to an Appointment        75

6.6.4        Appointment Actions        75

6.7        Print Schedule        76

  1. Scheduling System

  1. Overview

Business Plus Accounting includes an employee and resource scheduling system. This system allows you to keep track of a daily schedule for many different types of businesses. You can define types of employees to schedule, assign employees to those types, and schedule other resources such as equipment or locations. Your schedule can be validated against your employee work schedule, and you can specify the times by day of the week that you are open and available for scheduling.

Additionally, the scheduling system is able to integrate with the touch POS system so that billable products and inventory items can be attached to an appointment, and appointments can be pulled into the touch POS module and cashed out.

  1. How To Access the Schedule

The scheduling system is accessible from the main menu by selecting the Scheduling button. You can also access the scheduling system from the touch POS screen if you have enabled it for that screen in Miscellaneous Definitions. To enable the Scheduling button on the touch POS screen, go to the Touch Point of Sale section in Miscellaneous Definitions, click on the Touch POS Button Setup button, and check View Schedule.

  1. Set up the Scheduling System

Before you can begin using the scheduling system, you must define the time parameters of the schedule and set up the resources which you will be scheduling. Resources can be employees such as hairdressers, technicians, or doctors, or they can be items such as rooms, chairs, bays, etc. The first time you use the scheduling system, the software will automatically open the Scheduling Options form. You may also access this form by clicking the Schedule Options button from the main scheduling screen.

  1. Scheduling Options

Define your standard schedule and options for tying the appointment schedule to the employee work schedule.

Standard Schedule:        Place a check mark in the “Open” column for each day you want to schedule items. You may also specify the start and end time for scheduling on each of those days. This defines the prime scheduling periods, which are displayed with a white background on the schedule.

Show Hours on Schedule:        Specifies the start and end time to display on the schedule. This is for all days. Time between the start and end time that is not part of the prime schedule time defined in the standard schedule above will be displayed with a darker off-peak background color.

Scheduling Increment:        Specifies the default increment you will be viewing the schedule in and allotting time in.

You also have the option to require a manager password to schedule items for employees which are not scheduled for that time period in the employee work schedule and to require a password to schedule any items outside of the prime scheduling hours defined in the standard schedule above.

From the scheduling options screen you are also able to set up the employees and other resources you would like to schedule by using the Define Employee Scheduling Types and Define Other Scheduling Types buttons.

  1. Define Employee Scheduling Types

Use this screen to set up employee types to display on the schedule and assign employees to those types. The scheduling system allows you to create types of resources you will schedule  and then filter the display of the schedule based on those employee types. You can create as many types as you want, and employees can be assigned to multiple types.

To create a new type, click on the New Employee Type button and enter a name for the new type at the prompt. The grid on the right shows you all of the employees defined in your software, with a column for each type. Place a check in the type columns for each type you want an employee to be assigned to.

  1. Define Other Scheduling Types

You may also choose to maintain a schedule for resources besides your employees. Use the Define Other Scheduling Types function to set up these resources for the schedule. As with employees, resources must be assigned to a resource type. Unlike employees, each resource can only be assigned to one type.

To create a new resource type, click on the New Resource Type button and enter the name of the new resource type. Select a type out of the Resource Type list to view the items assigned to the type, or to add new items. With your resource type selected, click the New Resource button and enter the name of the new resource to add resources.

  1. Working With the Schedule

The main portion of the schedule screen shows the schedule for the currently selected day. Each resource is displayed in a separate column. Use the View Resource Type selection at the top to select which resource types to display on the schedule.

Use the buttons at the bottom of the screen to work with appointments, set up schedule options and parameters, and print the schedule.

Use the calendar on the right of the screen and select the date to view the schedule for that day. There is no limit to the time period you can schedule items. To return the schedule to the current date, click the Today button at the top of the screen.

  1. Creating or Editing Appointments

To create an appointment, click on the time and column for which you want to schedule the appointment. You may select a larger time block by clicking on the start time and dragging the mouse to the end of the desired time block. With a block of time selected, click the New Appointment button to create an appointment. You may also create a new appointment by double clicking on the schedule at the desired time. When you create a new appointment, the software will show the Scheduled Appointment screen and allow you enter detailed information regarding the scheduled event.

To view or edit an item on the schedule, select that item. The caption of the New Appointment button will change to Edit Appointment. Click the Edit Appointment button, or simply double click on the item to view the appointment details or edit the appointment.

You may also change the times and resource columns of a scheduled event by dragging it on the schedule. To move the entire appointment to a different time or resource column, click on the blue bar at the left of the appointment block on the schedule. While holding the mouse button down, drag the appointment to its new location on the schedule. To change the start or end time of the appointment, click on the top or bottom bar and drag them up or down to the new times.

  1. Schedule Appointment Screen

The Schedule Appointment screen allows you to enter or view all of the detailed information about a scheduled event. There are also several operations which can be done with an appointment from this screen.

  1. Customer Information

Each appointment needs to be assigned to a customer account. You can select an existing account using the Pick button next to the account field, or add a new account from the New Account button. The contact information for the customer account will be pulled in from the customer record. If you need to record an alternate phone number, you may change the value and it will store it only for this appointment. You may also add appointment notes or a description of the requested services to the Appointment Notes field. This information will display with the appointment on the main scheduling screen.

When you enter a customer, the history for that customer will be displayed in the Account History section. This will include the total number of appointment reservations the customer has made, and how many have been paid, cancelled, or marked as no shows.

  1. Products

You may add specific products or services from your product database to the appointment. If you are opening the schedule through the Touch POS system, you can then cash out the appointment and it will create a touch pos transaction with all of the products included in the appointment as line items in the transaction. You can access the product pick list by clicking the Pick Product/Service button below the product grid.

  1. Adding Resources to an Appointment

If necessary, appointments can be scheduled for more than one resource. For example, a scheduled appointment may require both a person and a room. To add an additional resource to a schedule, click the Add Resource to this Appointment button. This will display the Add Resource screen.

This screen works in a similar fashion to the main scheduling screen, however it can only be used to select a block of time in a resource column, and then add that item to the appointment by clicking the Add Selected Resource button.

  1. Appointment Actions

In addition to adding items and resources to the appointment from the appointment detail screen, you may do the following using the action buttons at the bottom of the screen:

Delete:        This will delete the appointment from the system. Deleted appointments are not tracked in any way. Typically this would be done for appointments which were entered erroneously.

Cancellation:        This will mark the appointment as cancelled. Cancelled appointments are tracked and displayed in the customer history.

No-Show:        This will mark the appointment as a no-show. No-shows are also tracked in the system and displayed in the customer history.

Print:        Print a report showing the full details for this appointment.

Save & Cash Out:        Save the appointment and pull it into the Touch POS screen to be cashed out. This option is only available if you enter the scheduling system through the Touch POS screen.

Save & Exit:        Save the appointment and return to the main schedule screen.

Cancel:        Cancel any changes and return the main schedule screen.

  1. Print Schedule

Use the Print Schedule button from the main scheduling screen to print out the schedule for the currently selected date. The schedule will print based on the currently selected schedule resource type filter.

7        FAQ        79

7.1        How Do I Change The Color Of My Menu Buttons and Group Items By Color?        79

7.2        How Do I Set Up Coupons or Dollar Discounts?        79

7.2.1        Predefined Coupon        79

7.2.2        Custom Coupon        79

7.2.3        Advanced Coupon        79

7.3        How Do I Change Multiple Prices At A Time?        81

7.4        How Do I Assign Employee Passwords?        81

7.5        What Is The Difference Between An Employee Password And Employee Number?        82

7.6        What Do I Need To Do To Process Credit Cards?        82

7.7        How To Assign Sales Tax Rates        82

7.8        How Do I Assign Sales Tax Rates For Different Local Taxes?        83

7.9        How Do I Assign Prices At the Time An Item Is Ordered?        83

7.10        Can I Sell Items And Have The Software Calculate The Pounds Sold?        83

7.11        I print custom barcode labels for items I sell by the pound. Will BPA read these labels?        83

7.12        Can Cashiers Log Into The POS Screen With Employee Cards Instead of Using Employee Numbers?        85

7.13        How Does Promotional Pricing Work In The Touch Screen POS Software?        85

7.13.1        Promotions For Single Product        85

7.13.2        Promotions By Department and Type        86

7.13.3        Promotions By Vendor        86

7.13.4        Promotions By Custom Filter        86

7.13.5        General Promotion Definitions        86

7.13.6        Backup Current Promotions        87

7.13.7        Restore Backed Up Promotions        87

7.13.8        Clear All Promotions        87

7.13.9        Print Promotions        87

7.14        How Do I Sell a Gift Card?        87

7.15        How Do I Redeem a Gift Card?        87


  1. FAQ

  1. How Do I Change The Color Of My Menu Buttons and Group Items By Color?

There are eight different menus in your Touch POS system. The default color for all the buttons on these menus is gray. It is sometimes helpful to color certain items on your menus with different colors. This makes it easier for your cashiers to select the correct items. To select the color for your buttons go to POS Manager Functions. Select the Define Menu Items button. Then select Assign Menu Item Order. In the assign menu item order screen you can set the order that your items appear on the screen. You can also select a color for each button.

  1. How Do I Set Up Coupons or Dollar Discounts?

Coupons may be set up in the system one of three ways.

  1. Predefined Coupon

The software contains a predefined product called COUPON. Add a menu button to your menu using this product as you would add any other menu item. This product is automatically programmed to prompt you for the value of the coupon and then deduct if from the sale.

  1. Custom Coupon

Occasionally you may want to set up a custom coupon product. To do this, add a product like you normally would. When you get to the price field, if you would like the coupon to be a predefined amount, i.e. $5.00 off, simply enter the price as -5.000. If you would still like the system to prompt you for the value simply leave the price field blank. Next go to Define Menu Items and add a menu item using the product you just created. Under Other Options select the option that says Allow a Custom Credit. This will allow you to enter the value of the coupon when the menu button is selected.

  1. Advanced Coupon

The BPA Touch POS software has the ability to allow you to apply a coupon to one particular product or to a group of products.  This will ensure that the coupon is only being redeemed for the value of the products you choose and not the value of the whole order.  An example of this would be if you had a coupon to buy one candy bar, get one free and your candy bars varied in price.  The system will automatically apply the coupon to the lowest priced product.  The same is true for percentage discounts.  They may be applied to one product or multiple products.

Before you can apply coupons, the system must be able to know what products qualify for a particular coupon.  To do this you will need to define coupon qualifying product groups.  To set up a new group go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Coupon Qualifying Products. Select New Product Group, enter a name for the group of products and select OK. From the pick list of products, select the product to which the coupon may be applied. If you need to add additional products to the group select the Add Product button and continue adding products. When you are finished adding products to the group select Exit.

Once you have set up the group you will need to define the actual coupon as a product.  To set up this product go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Add. Enter the coupon name in the Product/Service and Description 1 fields. In Price Level 1 enter the maximum discount amount the coupon is good for.  This must be a negative amount.  If the coupon is good for up to $10 off, enter  -$10.000 for the price.  If the coupon is a percentage discount that has no max value, enter            -$9999.00 for the price.

Select the Page 3 tab at the top of the screen and change SKU is a Coupon to “Y”. Click in the Qualifying Product Group field and hit F8.  Select the product group that you set up earlier and select Pick This Record. If the coupon is a flat dollar amount discount, simply leave the percentage set to 100.  This will apply a dollar amount discount for up to100% of the max value of the coupon.  If it is a discount by percentage, simply enter the percentage of the discount. Select whether the coupon can apply to 1 item or multiple items on the ticket. If this coupon can be used with other coupons for the same products, change Coupon Is Stackable to “Y”.  Otherwise leave it set to “N”. Save the product and then add it to your menu using Define Menu Items.

  1. How Do I Change Multiple Prices At A Time?

If you need to change multiple prices or other product information all at once simply go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Manually Set Prices and Options. Here you will see a table view of all of the products in the system. You may change cost, prices, tax information, product type, etc., in this table view. Press F3 on your keyboard when finished.

  1. How Do I Assign Employee Passwords?

To prevent unauthorized personal for entering the accounting system or the manager screens you will want to go to the accounting definition screen and set up a password system.

To set up passwords select the Definitions button on the main menu. Then select the Passwords For Modules button. On the screen that is displayed you should select the Activate Module Passwords button. The modules you want password protected must be enabled in the activate module password screen. Check each module you want protected. Leave the box unchecked to allow entry to the module without a password.

Next, go back into Password For Modules and select the Assign Modules To Users button. Key in the employee id number and enter a “Y” next to each module that you want the employee to be able to enter. If the module is enabled for passwords, the user will be required to enter his/her password to get into the module.

Whenever, a user enters his/her password to enter a module the date and time the module was entered and the employee number are logged. This information can be viewed and will show each log in for each module. To view the login information select the View Employee Log Ins button from the Passwords of Modules menu.

Last, Employees create their own passwords by selecting Assign Passwords on the System Tools drop down menu. Select the System Tools option at the top of the screen. Then select the Assign Passwords option. Enter your employee number and then enter your password.

  1. What Is The Difference Between An Employee Password And Employee Number?

The employee number is the number that is assigned to the employee for clocking in and out and entering the POS sales screen. An employee password is used for entering password protected areas of the software or approving certain POS functions. Typically a cashier will not need their own password. Managers may be assigned passwords and different levels of access.

  1. What Do I Need To Do To Process Credit Cards?

BPA supports three credit card processing platforms: Paypros, X-charge, and PaywarePC. Paypros and X-charge are also processing merchants. In order to use their integration you must use their merchant service. Because they are directly integrated with BPA, PCI compliance is greatly simplified. There is no credit card information stored at your location with either of these options which greatly increases credit card security. There is no additional software cost for their integration and both companies offer competitive processing rates.

The third option is PaywarePC. PaywarePC is a software package from Verifone that may be used with most other merchant processors. The BPA software does require an additional integration module to integrate with the PaywarePC software. Please contact our sales department for more information. Because PaywarePC is a software package that is hosted at your location, all credit card information resides on your computer. While PaywarePC is convenient in the fact that it may be used with multiple merchant providers, it does introduce higher vulnerability and makes PCI compliance more difficult.

  1. How To Assign Sales Tax Rates

To assign a sales tax rate select the Definitions button on the main menu. Then select the Sales Tax Table button. On the screen that is displayed you can assign the tax rates to the table numbers. The numbers entered represent the percent of sales tax. For example, enter 6.125 for a 6.125% tax rate. By default the system uses the tax rate defined on line 1 of the tax table as the regular sales tax rate for all products. The additional table numbers are used for different customer accounts that may use a different tax rate.

  1. How Do I Assign Sales Tax Rates For Different Local Taxes?

Different communities have different laws with respect to sales tax. Sometimes sales tax rates differ based on product type such as groceries vs. retail vs. prepared food. If this is the case with your business you will need to configure the system to charge a regular sales tax rate as well as define unique tax rates for products that do not receive the regular sales tax rate. To define the regular sales tax rate follow the instructions in the previous FAQ section.

You will need to assign a unique tax rate to each product that is not taxed at this rate. To do this, go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products. Add a new product or modify an existing product. Select the Page 3 tab at the top of the screen. In the Unique Tax % field enter the tax rate for the product. The unique tax rate overrides any other tax rate. This field is formatted in percentage so if the unique tax rate is 7% enter 7.000. You will need to do this for every product that does not use the regular sales tax rate. To assign more than one rate at a time you may also go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Manually Set Prices and Options. Scroll to the right until you see the column labeled UNIQUE TAX.

  1. How Do I Assign Prices At the Time An Item Is Ordered?

To allow an item to be assigned a custom price at the time the item is ordered on the POS screen, select the Touch Screen POS button on the main menu. Then select the POS Manager Functions button. Then select the Define Menu Items button. When you are adding a menu item or modifying a menu item you can place a “Y” into the Allow Custom Price field. This causes a screen to pop up when this item is sold at the POS screen. On this screen you can key in the custom price.

  1. Can I Sell Items And Have The Software Calculate The Pounds Sold?

To calculate the pounds sold for a product that sells by the pound, you have to mark the Auto Calculate Quantity option with a “Y” when defining menu items. This means that the candy or other product must have a button on one of your menus. When you select that button, you will key in the total price for the item (i.e. candy) and the software will calculate the pounds sold by dividing the total by the price per pound. The price per pound is the price you have assigned to the product when you created the product.

  1. I print custom barcode labels for items I sell by the pound. Will BPA read these labels?

Sometimes the weight scale that is used to weigh items will print barcode labels for the item that includes the price in the barcode. In this case special consideration needs to be taken in setting up the product in BPA to ensure these labels work properly.

Below is an example of a barcode printed on this type of scale. Four of the digits near the end of the barcode contain the price of the barcode.

BPA reads this barcode in the following way: The 0 and 2 at the beginning are ignored. The next 5 digits (00040) are the product id. The 6 is ignored in this case. If you sell items that are priced over $100 this digit may be included in the price if needed. The next four digits (0945) are the price. The 8 is ignored.

To ensure BPA reads this barcode properly go to Touch Screen POS > POS Manager Functions > Define Products > Add to set up a new product.

From our example above, enter 00040 as the Product/Service. Enter the description in the Description 1 field. In Price Level 1 enter the price per pound for the product. When the barcode is scanned the system will divide the price that is embedded in the label by the price per pound and automatically calculate the quantity. In this case the quantity is 0.86 pounds.

  1. Can Cashiers Log Into The POS Screen With Employee Cards Instead of Using Employee Numbers?

Employee Cards can be purchased from Business Software Solutions. These cards will allow cashiers to slide their cards when logging into the Touch POS screen or clocking into the time clock. These cards are encrypted for security. After purchasing the cards you can assign a card to an employee by going to the manager functions menu and selecting the option Assign Employee Card Numbers. After entering the employee number, slide the card. The number on the card will be assigned to the employee. However, before you can use the cards you have to enable the employee card function. This is done by going to the Miscellaneous Definitions screen and selecting the Manager option on the left. Next to the option Log employees in using: change the dropdown menu to Employee cards.

  1. How Does Promotional Pricing Work In The Touch Screen POS Software?

Promotional pricing will take precedence over standard pricing. Promotional pricing basically takes precedence over all pricing except custom pricing (where you enter a price each time you sell an item). The price is effective based on the start and end dates entered for the promotion. Outside of those dates standard pricing is used. To define promotions go to the manager menu and select Define Products. One of the options on the define products menu is Promotional Pricing.

This promotion function allows you to set promotional pricing for products you sell. These prices can be set on one product, for products in a department and/or type, all products supplied to you by the same vendor, or you can set a custom filter to separate the products you wish to set promotional pricing for. The promotional pricing can be set by either a percent discount or a specific sale price. Before the sale begins, you can have all the promotional pricing defined. Then when the start date arrives, the system automatically will charge the pre-defined promotional pricing. The system will automatically return to the products regular pricing on the end date you have specified. (Dates are taken from the computer clock.)

  1. Promotions For Single Product

Product Id:        Enter product id for the product you are putting on promotional pricing.                 

Standard Pricing:        The system will display the standard price for this product.

Percent Disc:        Enter the percent of discount for this promotion.

Sale Price:        The system will calculate the sale price for this product based on the standard price and the discount.

Start Date:        Enter the start date for this promotion. The system will automatically use the promotional price beginning on this date.

End Date:        Enter the end date for this promotion. The system will automatically end the promotional pricing at the end of this day.

  1. Promotions By Department and Type

Department (999=All):        Enter the department code for a specific department or enter “999” for all departments.

Type (999=All):        Enter the product type code for a specific product type within a department or enter “999” for all product types within a department.

Percent Disc:        Enter the percent of discount off standard pricing for this promotion.

Start Date:        Enter the start date for this promotion. The system will automatically use the promotional price beginning on this date.

End Date:        Enter the end date for this promotion. The system will automatically end the promotional pricing at the end of this day.

  1. Promotions By Vendor

Vendor Id:        Enter the vendor whose product will be on promotional pricing.        

Percent Disc:        Enter the percent of discount off standard pricing for this promotion.

Start Date:        Enter the start date for this promotion. The system will automatically use the promotional price beginning on this date.

End Date:        Enter the end date for this promotion. The system will automatically end the promotional pricing at the end of this day.

  1. Promotions By Custom Filter

Percent Disc:        Enter the percent of discount off standard pricing for this promotion.

Start Date:        Enter the start date for this promotion. The system will automatically use the promotional price beginning on this date.

End Date:        Enter the end date for this promotion. The system will automatically end the promotional pricing at the end of this day.

  1. General Promotion Definitions

The general promotions definition screen is a product browse screen that shows you all products and allows you to enter a start date, end date, and price for any product. The promotion and price will be active for that date range.

  1. Backup Current Promotions

This function will backup current promotions. New promotions can then be created. When the new promotions have expired you can restore the backed up promotions. This allows you to have more than one set of promotions defined. This function requires the master password.

  1. Restore Backed Up Promotions

This function will restore backed up promotions. This allows you to restore pricing at the end of a promotion. This function requires the master password.

  1. Clear All Promotions

This function allows you to clear your promotions and gives you three options. The first option allows you to clear all promotions or only out of date promotions. The second option allows you to select “Y” to clear all promotional prices from the system. The third option allows you to select “N” to clear only outdated promotional prices.

  1. Print Promotions

This function allows you to print promotional product ids, pricing and dates for promotions. You can print all promotions, print promotions not expired or print promotions for specific dates.

  1. How Do I Sell a Gift Card?

The software supports the purchase and redemption of gift cards. The gift cards are printed and encoded by our company in a format that is compatible to our software. Custom cards printed with your company information and logo are available. Please contact Business Software Solutions for current pricing.

To sell a gift card to a customer you must first create a menu item button for the gift card, if one does not already exist. The product for the gift card has already been created and should be in your product file. The product ID is “GIFTCARD”. When a server selects the gift card button on one of the menus, a gift card screen will pop up. While on that screen you will scan the gift card. You will then enter the amount for the gift card and press the Gift Card Amount button. Then press Save and the gift card will become a line item on the current ticket. The actual gift card data will be saved when the order is paid for. The same process is used to add to a gift card that already exists. This allows a customer to add to an existing gift card.

  1. How Do I Redeem a Gift Card?

If the customer is paying for an order using a gift card, the cashier will use the Gift Card button to cash the customer out. On the screen that pops up you will scan the gift card. The software will show the total remaining on the gift card and the past purchases by the card. Press the OK button and the software will assign the correct amount to pay for the order. If you are paying part with the gift card and part in cash, you can simply press the Cash button after entering the gift card amount. The software will then update the history for the gift card and the amount remaining on the gift card.